my interests: movie fan. tech junkie. sushi. shopping. big boobs. listener. laughing. my turtle - sonic. night person. drug free. chocolate covered almonds. sex. becoming a mechanic. matching mickey and minnie dolls. hello kitty. being spoiled. office gossip. photography. cooking one day. nature. shoes - especially my flip flops. anything Disney. guys. dirtbikes. eating. foreign films. living in Italy. Hanson. thinking. dr. pepper. modeling. the english language. scrapbooking. being creative. my M1 license. expensive things. cars. food texture. my truck. accounting. being "THE BEST".
Hanson of course!I already met GOD and I already met my future Husband.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I will go to the ends of the earth and back for Hanson.Josh Groban. Jamie Cullum. Justin Timberlake. Backstreet Boys. Nsync. Rihanna. Timbaland. Beatles. the Muse. Christina Aguilera. Andrea Boccelli. Black Eyed Peas. 2Pac. Beach Boys. My Chemical Romance. To be Continued...
I own at least 350 Dvds.The Cutting Edge. Ocean's 11. Because I Said So. Harry Potter. Love Me If You Dare. The Little Mermaid. Monster In Law. The Lizzie Maguire Movie. Transformers. Harold and Kumar. Resident Evil. The Devil Wears Prada. To be Continued...
I "tevo" House.Lost. Supernatural. The Hills. Anything with Hanson in it.
I don't read books.I'd rather do financial analysis.
My grandma. My parents. My brother. and GOD.