I love sleeping! I love eating- (even though i dont get fat). I luv chatting. I luv music. I luv learning. I luv exploring. I luv just taking life one day at a time..... and admiring the simple things.
ANyone thaT waNts a Friend...
I prefer rock. alternative. classical. jazz. classic rock. oldies.
300. Lion King. Gladiaor. The Incredibles. Superman. X-men series. Spider Man. Robots =). Chicken Little. Happy Feet. The Good Shepherd. Troy. The Gridiron Gang. Chronicles of Narnia. V for Vendetta. The Pursuit of Happyness. Night at the Museum. Ahh...so many... the list is endless.
The Simpsons! That 70's Show! What I like About you. SMALLVILLE! American Idol.
Les Miserables, The Picture of Dorian Gray, As I Lay Dying, Wuthering Heights, Hamlet, The Age of Innocence, Pride & Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird, Water Like Chocolate, Grapes of Wrath, Clockwork Orange, & the BiBle!!