chillin with my bois mike, mario, pasquale, p.q, coup, bobby, frankie,fonze,kenny, all my bois in st doms, n goin out ot party
fucking heroooo my sexy cleatsmy fuckin hero
i listin to rap.. lloyd banks 50 cent ..da whole g unit...but eminem is like my hero.. fav rapr.. 2pac, biggie..immortal technique..a tribe called quest (squallyyyy)pitbul.. u no..
me n my wifey lauren at ur sexy 16 lolCHAMPSmentor n me haha cheaasum pussys lol
How gangsta are you? by Aladinsane85
Your Name
Your New Gangster Name White Boy
Your Gangster Percent: 72%
Your Money You'll Make Hustling $649,133
Number of People In Your gang 53
Number Of Times You'll Get Shot 2
What You'll Look Like Gangster
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