(make sure you watch parts 2, 3 and 4 of this video presentation....it's absolutely fascinating!) I'd love to meet anybody and everybody ~ but please...come to me with an honest heart. If I could pick and choose "specifics"....I want to meet David Wilcock, Gregg Braden, Dahli Lama, Ghandi, Bhudda, my deceased ancestors, The Vienna Boy's Choir (*fulfilled February 2009), Mark Twain, Helen Keller, Johnny Depp, John Cusack, my husband's mutti (mother), sister (*fulfilled the mom and sister in March 2008) and brother, the man on the moon, a 'legion' of angels, ummm...I already met Jesus.I LOVE GOOD ART..... I don't care if it's in a painting, a photo, a poem, a sculpture, or a dance move. Here are a few that I love (and I'll change them from time to time)... ..