I love music, MOST music. I am a sucker for dance tunes. I like something I can move to! I don't care for sappy love songs or instrumentals with no lyrics. Hate hate hate classical elevator music though BLAAAAAH! Heavy Metal gives me hemmorhoids! Hahaha I grew up listening to "HAIR BANDS" in the 80's, so I guess you could say I've kinda outgrown that kinda music. Hubby still loves it though!
I watch all the stuff most people hate......REALITY TV! Love, love, love AMERICAN IDOL. The O.C. and HOUSE (not reality....but could be) I hate, hate, hate anything having anything to do with westerns! Yuk, nasty, BOOOOOORING!
I don't have anyone in particular I call "hero" but I admire anyone who can accept others for exactly who or what they are. :-) I think we all have a tendency to be critical or judgemental of people that don't share our interests or views. Just remember....not everyone thinks the way you do, not everyone likes the same things, and not everyone sees the world as you do. Accept others for who they are wether it agrees with your views on what is "RIGHT" or "WRONG."