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About Me

I: Have finished my M.Div. at Duke Divinity School, and will start on master's in library science at the University of Kentucky in August. Believe in the power of ideas and the beauty of words. Want a dog -- a real dog, not something you can dress in a sweater and put in a purse. Like Kara's lemon souffle cheescake, NOSH's kettle chips, and eggplant sandwiches. Dislike olives, mushrooms, and cottage cheese. Am a hippie vegetarian. Don't understand why people cannot take the effort to add the extra two letters needed to spell a word properly. (People, please note: "u" and "ur" are not in the dictionary; "you" and "your" are. Also, there is a difference between "your" and "you're," "it's" and "its," and "there," "their," and "they're." It's not that difficult. Learn the rules.) Have been to three continents and eleven countries. Speak English fluently; speak French decently; read Greek, Hebrew, and a bit of Latin; know a little Spanish, Bengali, German. Am a recovering conservative. Consider winter to be my favorite season. Love sunrises, but hate waking up. Sometimes feel claustrophobic inland and need to drive to the beach at the spur of the moment. Tried to be Betty Crocker, but have pretty much given up. Am trying to be more courageous. Wish Jed Bartlett really could be president.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bono, Barbara Brown Taylor, former-Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Katharine Hepburn, Eleanor Roosevelt, Muhammed Yunus (the creator of the Grameen Bank and the first Bangladeshi to win the Nobel Peace Prize) and, well, Bradley Whitford -- just because I'm slightly in love with Josh Lyman.

My Blog

Letter to the Editor

I have a confession to make: I've never before written a letter to the editor.  For someone who is firmly convinced in the power of ideas to bring about change, and someone who believes that true...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:48:00 GMT