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Orange and Blue Music

About Me

Orange & Blue Music Studio Tour

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Orange and Blue Music is a community and a family. Somewhere for musicians and artists to come together. As well as being a studio O&B acts as a hub for unsigned, underground, undiscovered and down right unattractive artists!We offer recording, mixing, mastering, practice space, promotion, gig finding, live sound, visual arts and of course all the love in the world! Anyone who has ventured into the walls of the orange and blue room and lived to tell the tale would agree it is something altogether different. Bands helping each other, sharing equipment, no real genre to speak of, a mish mash of styles and sounds (all amazing), enthusiasm for music and no fucking dress code! You will get hooked! Orange and Blue Myspace aims to extend this community further onto the interweb! Let like minds come together. Check out the bands, hear the tunes, go to the gigs and work together! x

My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Malcom Gayner- Managing Director/Producer/Engineerandy k - Producer/EngineerSimon Baines - Producer/EngineerSteve Prog - Web/AdminEmma Stockton - Admin/A&R/Vocal TuitionGemma Cumming- Admin/A&R
Influences: Tunguska Butterfly The Display Team (formerly Mumrah)ChetAirhammerBarrellasspigshackleOCARINAKvetchNathan PersadDamien NolanRob CushmanmypetmeVendettaChuck FarleyJD and the LongfellowsMooseClare PortmanThe IrrepressiblesHeadcorn MorrisSouthern SuspectsFruit Machine BluesD-KOYCoronaAnother Dead HeroEven Flowers KillFrowserOrbit; Dear BeaconTiger ForceDr Scott and his Intrepid FunkateersM J HibbetThe RedemskiesS.O.N.Y,Ten Foot NunSour Grape ProjectDjevaraBig Girls BlouseSeveredstateFrom GracePopular Workshopand loads, loads more!
Record Label: Orange and Blue Music

My Blog

An Exciting Future!

BOOYA!Hello lovely people! This is probably the shortest time between our blogs ever! Celebrate good times, come on!So, after the blistering fun of Malcday comes the future plans of Orange and Blue Mu...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:50:00 GMT

Malcday thanks!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,We just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came to Malcday and made the party! So...Thanks to the following who all played really amazing sets :- Clay Pigeon, Frowser, The Doghouse...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 04:00:00 GMT


    Hey gang,as ever, a huge delay between blogs! oh well, weve been busy!Exciting news for all you sexy bands and artists. Orange and Blue Music are delighted to be able to offer our t...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 06:47:00 GMT


Hello there,has it really been that long since the last blog? wow! thats awazingly poor on my part! lots of cool stuff passing through the studio doors as always. some really exciting ...
Posted by on Sat, 19 May 2007 07:20:00 GMT


Hello Chums,Hopefully you all had a fantastic christmas and new year!The new year looks like being O&Bs most exciting to date with all sorts of fresh ventures and oppurtunities! We will be recording m...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:24:00 GMT


FUCK A DUCK!well its over for another year! Malcfest has come and gone like the seasons changing! What a festival it was, un-freaking-believable!First off, thank yous! Huge thanks must go to the crew ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 05:08:00 GMT


Hello, hope this blog finds you all well! updates have been thin on the ground of late (as ever!) so i apologise! have been quite busy. but i have lots to tell you, so really ive just been building it...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 07:13:00 GMT

Busy busy busy!

howdy! how the devil are you all? its been a busy few months at the studio with a whole load of bands in recording. we've had folk to furious death metal and it all sounds ace! Malc has been working ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:01:00 GMT


how do! okay, so the newsletters will prob start in march now! ive been ill and havnt had the time to get relevant humorous quotes, news and all that guff! stuff has happened honest! also im aware th...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 05:15:00 GMT

For Spike!

Hello all, just a short one. i will be putting up a monthly newsletter of O&B news (studio stuff, gigs etc) from Feb onwards for anyone who wants to know whats going down in our world. hopefully t...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:28:00 GMT