Liz profile picture


About Me

I am the mother of two beautiful children: my baby girl Alexis (2) and my big boy Jaydon (5!). My family IS my life and I love them very, very much - even when i feel like i don't have any patience left and i might explode! I have a wonderful husband, Josh, who takes good care of us and drives me crazy sometimes. He is a great father and a hard-worker and i LOVE him! He is back in school full-time to become an accountant. I work nights at Stone Creek Dining Co. in Zionsville as a server and in Greenwood as a bartender. I also teach dance at Center Stage Dance Academy. Dance used to be my whole life (before kids) - and its still a huge passion of mine. I am very blessed to be able to continue my dance career past my prime : ) (thanks michelle!) Let's see.... I have the most AMAZING best friend Kari who is always there for me and is now the mother to a new baby boy named Lucas Anthony Adwell!! I LOVE me some Marcums (Brittney, Kristi, & Mackie) who are the most amazing babysitters and selfless people on Earth! I would be so lost without them. They are the best extended family ever! Oh, and i have two kitties - Star & Roxy who are good kitties. I guess that's about it - forgive me if i look like crap if you run into me at the grocery store - I'm lucky to get a shower most days!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, Selma Hayek, Cameron Diaz, that guy from Prison Break, people who are open-minded, and, um, anyone who has something to contribute : ) ..

My Blog

baby names

I need your help!  My baby is due in 3 months and has yet to be named.  Please send me your favorite baby names, male or female.  Some of my favorites so far are Genesis, Caleb, Jocelyn...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 19:01:00 GMT


The rules are: once you have been tagged you have to write 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself.  At the end, you choose ten people you want to tag, list their names and why...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:55:00 GMT

my element is air - what's yours?

table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>Your Element Is Air .." height="100" width="100">You dislike conflict, and yo...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 20:46:00 GMT


you people from high school will never believe this... i got my first real haircut!!!  and it looks great!  i got about 7 inches cut off and now it is just below my shoulders (a huge differe...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:15:00 GMT

i won a thousand dollars!

    Yeah, so I was working a double on Saturday and it was finally breaktime!  I decided to go to the tanning bed and relax.  A coworker of mine asked me to go buy $20 worth o...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 17:39:00 GMT