I am the mother of two beautiful children: my baby girl Alexis (2) and my big boy Jaydon (5!). My family IS my life and I love them very, very much - even when i feel like i don't have any patience left and i might explode! I have a wonderful husband, Josh, who takes good care of us and drives me crazy sometimes. He is a great father and a hard-worker and i LOVE him! He is back in school full-time to become an accountant. I work nights at Stone Creek Dining Co. in Zionsville as a server and in Greenwood as a bartender. I also teach dance at Center Stage Dance Academy. Dance used to be my whole life (before kids) - and its still a huge passion of mine. I am very blessed to be able to continue my dance career past my prime : ) (thanks michelle!) Let's see.... I have the most AMAZING best friend Kari who is always there for me and is now the mother to a new baby boy named Lucas Anthony Adwell!! I LOVE me some Marcums (Brittney, Kristi, & Mackie) who are the most amazing babysitters and selfless people on Earth! I would be so lost without them. They are the best extended family ever! Oh, and i have two kitties - Star & Roxy who are good kitties. I guess that's about it - forgive me if i look like crap if you run into me at the grocery store - I'm lucky to get a shower most days!!