Paul profile picture



About Me

I like things like music, going to concerts, dry comedy, independent movies...early punk, metal, and alternative music fascinates me for some reason. I DJ at a radio station. No, it's a college station. I might consider interning at a commercial station, but probably not. I go to a community college where I have changed my focus of studies several times, ranging from journalism to my current major in psychology. I am interested particularly in the mental processes of the deviants (since I know so many jk) and to what extent one's psyche alone influences their behavior. Then again, sociology is also a major interest to anyone wondering how people can be so easily led by others to misperceive the world around them... I like being with close friends. Sometimes I dance. It depends when the mood strike me. All in all, you're probably cooler than me. I'm OK with that.Music's kinda my thing and I plays it sometimes on Triton radio 88.9FM Fridays 3-6p. Hear me on iTunes Or Windows Media Player LIVE URL is .. Eh.

My Interests

This beautiful lady- Studying the human psyche, loyalty, developing my voice, big thinkers, philosophy, my emu farm, independent music and films, radio broadcasting, playing music, writing (on rare occasions), sound engineering, counterculture shit, rockabilly culture, classic cars and motorcycles (although I honestly no nothing about either), D.I.Y. ethic, seeing live shows, developing better interests, and just being with people who think for themselves and know how to get the most out of life



Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Fight Club, The Life Aquatic, Death Sentence, The Big Nothing


DRY HUMOR Monty Python's Flying Circus Whitest Kids 'U Know The Office Drawn Together CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Zach Galifinakis Show Another celebrity "news" (gossip) show or clichéd reality/game/reality game show is ABSOLUTELY not necessary.I can not stress this enough: Blue Collar TV is really dumb. It's not funny. Seriously. Why do people think it is so funny?In short, somebody please set Larry the Cable guy on fire. Thank you.Yeah, I have a lot of anger in me.


Does anyone have a copy of 1984?Currently,:and of course:


Great leaders, philosophers, revolutionaries, people who speak for themselves but think of others, people who aren't afraid to stand out in a crowd, those that take the road less traveled.Anyone who shares my passionate hatred for contemporary American pop culture.And most of all, my parents.

My Blog

New radio slot

Fridays. 3-6 pm. 88.9fm. Be afraid. Be very afraid.Listen on iTunes Or Windows Media Player LIVEURL is
Posted by Paul on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:55:00 PST

The Problem with music...

Steve Albini is the man.
Posted by Paul on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:54:00 PST

Dream Reapers...

I am currently getting paid to wear a diaper, eat baby food, and scare the FUCK out of people. Life is sweet. Support the arts.
Posted by Paul on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:29:00 PST


I've been reading a Bukowski novel lately and I really admire his approach to writing. So it struck me: I want to be drunk throughout my first book. Not in the story, mind you, I mean as I write my fi...
Posted by Paul on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:42:00 PST


Sure, we all like the songs based on them- but did you know that rock lobsters pose one of the most serious threats to our ecosystem today? It's true- plus one time I'm pretty sure I heard one mutter ...
Posted by Paul on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:28:00 PST