WINTERGUARD WINTER GUARD IS NOT CHEERLEADING!!! where else can you dress up like a goth, fairy, doll, mental patient, communist, ect. and plus dance, throw guns and sabers, and look fuckin awsome? AQ GUARD...what it do. 3
this fire bird
i like music. im listeing to alot of bands right now, too many to list. i lost my mp3 im very sad. i like heavy stuff, stuff that makes you want to kill something
this is laura,shes my best friend.
we've been freaks since 2nd grade,
still repin' it.
looking at the 2 of us you might think,
"why the hell are they friends?!?"
well i think that is what makes us such awsome friends to begin with.
we have been through the most FUCKED UP TIMES EVER! we always get oursleves into shit.. but we never stay mad at each other.
she's my sister. if you fuck with her. yea, i do get tuff.
yea this is nick,
hes the cutest little was a premie ever.
hes my dads girlfriend's grandson and he makes me realize that there is more to life then what most people say and that you have to sometimes slow down and just be greatful for the things you have.
this is rachel..
her craziness keeps me sane.
she is the biggest sweet heart ever and as you can see.. always has a smile on her face, she cant get angry, it just really doesnt happen.
she is one of my closest friends and i can be so honest with her and she is always ALWAYS there when i need her.
when im crying on the bus cuz a boy broke my heart, she is there to take me home, when i need someone to talk to, she is always there.
not to mention she never finishes her food and is always willing to share =)
this is deanna..
i dont know what to say except that we have the craziest little moments and i love her to death