I'm named fidget, because as soon as i get put down, i like to run & prance around. somtimes i run into things, i don't like to watch were i'm going, so obstacles surprise me a lot.
I'm a puppy, I was born on July 26th, 2004. I met my new family on October 9th & went home with them. They're nice & cuddly, even if they do leave me alone in the bathroom at night. I haven't learned to localize my excretions, and they worry about the rugs. I attempted to crack my skull open the very first day by bravely leaping off of the couch. I sure surprised them. I didn't quite land right though, and they were very worried. They have another pet, it's a cat, it runs away from me & doesn't want to play. I don't know why she runs, she's twice as big as I am. Oh well, hopefully I'll find a friend soon.
I'm a papillon, that means butterfly in french. I was bred from dwarf spaniels long ago, and my adult weight is estimated at 7lbs. I was bred for companionship, and I'm very good at that. I miss my family when they're gone, and won't leave them alone when they're home. I'd like to be with them always, but they have jobs, and such, oh well.