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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm never satisfied, always wanting more, but happy almost all of the time. I play well with others, but like my alone time for sure. Just ask my buddy Joe, he'll tell you what I mean. I don't deal with drama, if it comes around, I walk the other way. I love to spend my time outdoors, near the water preferably. I'm always suprising people, whether it's by my very sarcastic remarks, or out of the blue sweetness. You may not guess I'm sweet, but I have my moments. I talk to almost all of my ex's which shows I'm not a true asshole. I just pretend. I'll do anything for a true friend when in need and that's what counts. I'm a great person to get to know because I'll make your life just that much more interesting. I'm not a great person, but I'm not horrible either. My best quality is I will challenege you to make your life better. The biggest thing I want is someone to challenege me to do the same. So far, I don't think it's happened. I'm 24, just outside of Niceville, Florida. I work quite a bit and am very dedicated to it, so I don't do too much during the week. Somehow I just can't get sleep though. Ah well, that's life

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet a friend to go do all the things I like to do. Someone to share in my randomness.As for the kind of girl I'm looking for as a relationship, well that's more difficult. I have very high standards for this girl, and it's frustrating because I know she's out there, I just don't know where. Here's the start of a list: Attractive, funny, sarcastic, opinionated, positive, athletic, compassionate, family oriented, Christian, non-smoker, runner(or at least runs), loves the outdoors, wears skirts/dresses(not all the time, but isn't afraid of them), doesn't drink to much or at all, isn't afraid to express herself(within reason; not a scene maker), Likes going out and doing day activities vs. going out at night, understands and doesn't criticize me for always wanting to improve myself and never being satisfied


Finnish each day and be done with it.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke-

When a Marine sniper was asked by a retarded reporter what he felt when he killed his answer was, "Recoil."

Fight what is wrong, believe what is true, do what is right

Some places are too evil to be allowed to exist<

What do you do when you're not strong enough? Act as if you are!

My Blog

Get it together

This is the start of some rambling just for me; but as always, anyone who ventures here can view it. If you've read this far, stay tune for a good chuckle. I am often told I seem like I have it figure...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 02:54:00 GMT

In the airport, waiting

When there is a delayed flight there is tons of time to think. at first that time is spend franticaly trying to get out of the airport. wondering if it will ever happen. after there is a slight assura...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 16:42:00 GMT

In the airport, waiting

When there is a delayed flight there is tons of time to think. at first that time is spend franticaly trying to get out of the airport. wondering if it will ever happen. after there is a slight assura...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 16:39:00 GMT

Thursday night lightening, saturday morning

Why is it that no matter how good your life is turning out, there always had to be that one thing that is just so annoying it seems it holds you back. Always, you'll be out having a great time, and BA...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 07:53:00 GMT

Working out

This is mainly for me as a way to remember measurments. I just measured my biceps and chest today and they were 13 1/3" and 38" respectivly. I'm going to start working out lifting and see if they grow...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:11:00 GMT