Member Since: 19/12/2005
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Band Members: Right now I make my own songs... but I've calabbed with a friend before on a couple of earlier basic FL beats. BUT for now it's just me myself and I.
Influences: There are many people who haved influenced me... So... here goes. I'd like to thank my Dad for listening to good music and for playing it around me. Things like Dark Side of the Moon, Zeplin, and Bob Marley. I would also like to extend a thanks to Sean, DJ Tecni (Randy), Ariel Cybana, Morgan, Stevie B, and a few other DJ's that were present throughout my teen-age years. Thanks to them and their abilities... I'm a beter DJ because of them. That and I would have never even started mixing if it hadn't been for those parties w/Sean and Randy (tecni). My first hip-hop influences were in 4th grade at an old friends house. It was there I first heard Outkast's ATAliens and West Side Connection. Seriously, how can you not like bow down? I guess if you are from the East Coast. And can't forget the mom's... for forcing me to take all those piano lessons. When I played piano I played classical shit. Beethoven, Mozart,... stuff like that. Borrrrringgggg! I should have kept playing, but changed the material. But my tutor wouldn't teach me anything except Classical. Se la vi. Let's see... mom listened to Linda Ronstat and some other country twang. Influences in a box.
Sounds Like: Sounds like ... Hip Hop Underground meets classic piano and jazz slapped in the face w/techno. Legends maybe? A couple beats I have sound a little like King Nicky's beats. Low bassy w/ vintage and hip-hop sounds. I've just started messin with a couple of sinth sounds. Time yields perfection... and with perfection yields more time to perfecccttt.
But then again... lately I've been making songs that have heavy clavs, organs, and wurlitsers... old rocky type stuff. Because I'm getting better at playing the piano, there will always be some type of piano in my music. My Synth areas are improving a lot with time. What you hear is experimental for me and probably will be for a while. I still haven't found a certain sound I want to still with. I want to make trip hoppy techno and hip hop, and drum and bass, and rock with sick organs. I really don't know what I should, "Sound Like". Why "Sound Like" anything?
Record Label: None. Independently creating cd's w/my cpu biioch