||KRiSTiNA|| i found my love ♥ --flipn0tic. profile picture

||KRiSTiNA|| i found my love ♥ --flipn0tic.


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me and babie in my room
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YAHOO: [email protected]A.I.M g0xdiexh0e
leave me a voicemail thingy :D

leave me a funny one lol.


What's the dealio, the name is Kristina. I stay in Texas (the 254)..but i'm originally from the Philippines. I'm happily taken by my babie Andrew..the most perfect man ever. gosh what more could i ask for lol :]..i feel like writing an about me that actually tells a little more..i guess because im bored as hell..but anyway, i dont get on this shit too much anymore, i'm usually playing video games or eating lmao..well, i hate conceited people..sometimes people think i am just because i keep to myself most of the time (exc my friends lol) but i'm not..you conceited bitches are just ugh..makes me wana choke em to death -_-..i also really dislike "pretty boys", they look like fags..any guy that calls theirself "pretty" must be on that fag type shit lol..i also hate it when people call other people "kid" or say "don't hate" all the damn time..thats fucking annoying and no one is "hatin" anyways(i say dont hate sarcastically though kuz it sounds so stupid lol)..i'm pretty short..i'm 5'1 and a half lol..hmm my style is pretty unique, i like being way different than everyone else..i try to buy my shit where no1 else can get it at just so we cant have the same stuff lol, im into all kinds of fashion mostly hip hop and urban type though..fashion is pretty much ME lol, i'm not afraid to wear anything..i will as long as I think it looks good :D..i'm a pretty kool person..mad kool to chill with too :D..i have a few friends, i try not to keep too many because that just makes more trouble -_- (i have learned)my friends are mostly guys..i get along with guys way better than girls (exc. a few) kuz most of them arent into the drama type bullshit you stupid girls like to start..i had many friends but quit talking to alot of them kuz they ended up bein stuck up bitches, hoes, or just fucking annoying lol..i love music..i listen to it all day :)..i ONLY listen to rap..that good shit lol, alot of oldschool shit too like NWA, westside connection, tupac n that type shit..and another thing..if i DONT KNOW YOU, don't ask me to design you pics or anything kuz that shit is madddd annoying. i wont even reply to people who ask for that. oh ya and feel free to browse my page, since i know alot of you people are nosy anyways and will find any sort of way to view some1's page, that's simply why my page isn't private because i dont have shit to hide..and the picture stealing shit is mad funny..dont care though i'm not going to post the links up of the fakes and shit like you other people do..who really gives a shit? foreal..i'm real and i made a few proof videos, but deleted some..and you can copy or jock me all you want..then i can point and laugh n correct you on how ur doin it wrong ;]..i'm done writing this shit though..too busy talking to my babie to write anymore :p
Just to let you know.. I didn't get Myspace to be nice to people. I got it for my own entertainment [^-^]..
meet my man :] this is my one n only babie, my giant lol, and my teddy bear and im his "sexy mushroom" lol..gosh he's great..words cant describe him [^-*]..i mean, he's just so god damn perfect lol we never argue or fight..thats all i ever wanted..he treats me like the woman i am lol..and respects me unlike you other BOYS..im so glad i met him..i know i wont ever regret it..he's so sweet..i never had anyone treat me so good before..i love it and i appreciate everything about him :D..what can i say i love him lol..i know we havent been together for long but i dont care..he's just undescribable [^-*]..feels great to have someone like him, he makes me forget about everything that hurt me in the past..gosh i want him in my future, hopefully i get that..♥
My special people [^-*]
Linda-gosh..where do i start..she's my gorgeous twin [^-^]. we've been through everything. i've known you forever linda :] n we've NEVER not once even had a fight or got mad at each other over anything..best friend any1 could ever ask for..and she's sexy too lol. from the times when we when on "ghosthunts", catching tadpoles, washing each other in the tub lmao, n playing hide n seek..til today we're the best of friends..n nothing will ever change that..me, you and jamie have been through so much..n if some1 tries to get in the way, you a dead bitch..love you linda aka my girlfriend lol♥
Jamie- damn jamie..now where do i start with you lol..damn this my sister right here [^-^] we've known each other for so long..n me, you and linda have been through all kinds of shit..the times you would spend the night at my house and tried to get each other in trouble lol..to now..we're so grown..she's gorgeous though isnt she..we've stuck together so long..yeah..when we were younger we would fight all the time lol but what can ya say we were kids :] i remember how we were obsessed with spice girls and backstreet boys lmao..gosh jamie..love you so much..fuck with this and u dead foo..love you so much my favorite sexy chink ♥
Jacob- damn nigga where do i start with you [^-^]..this is my guamanian fam..damn remember those times we'd cheat with the claw machine to win stuffed animals n ran around lucky buddha lol..n when we were like 5 we'd run around ur house n neighborhood..damn..so long ago i cant even remember most of it lol..ur so goofy n funny..n now we go to the filipino restaurants all the time n sit there bored as fuck kuz of our parents lol..known u forever..even my dad known ur dad forever since they lived in guam a while ago lol..but ya..this is always gona be my lil bro ^-*
Taylor- damnit spicc..dont leave me here lmao..sucks that ur moving back to florida :[..now im alone lol..gosh im gona miss you..kuz u one of my bestfriends ^-*..we've been through some shit these past couple years..with stupid hoes drama..had to beat some hoes lol..to just havin fun n bein our crazy selves..damnit pisses me off how u gotta leave lmao..ill still come visit of coarse :D..but ya..u know i got ur back with anything..u know the number just hit me up lol..ill fly down there if i have to lmao..but yess we better keep in touch nigga..love ya sexy tay-tay ♥


i delete all comments that say "thanx 4 the add" and those stupid chain letter comments, they're just as stupid as the person that sent em :). & yes i make my own background and shit, it has my name n i.d. on it..so it would be stupid to steal.
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