hey im candiice=)
i Live in porterville.
go to monache.
i like to have fun with my friends.
go out. taLking on the phone
having a good time =)
i Love to ALWAYS taLk ♥
truustme. i preety much don..t shut up=)
i..m [outgoing].
im not stuck up ill talk to jux about anybody no really anybody
im not shy!! n if you are you wont be shy after hanging out with me 4 a day!!
ii dont hold grudges ,
ii da girl who dosent stay mad 4 very long jux give me 5 minutes n ill be over it!! because ii think life is 2 short to be mad all the time!!
ii try to live life to the fullest!!
ii ♥ ♥ to Shop!!!!
ii mean seriously who dosent!!!
iim not an impatient person, ii dont get fustrated easily!
ii ♥ to make people laugh "what can ii say im just sooo... Comical" lol j/p
ii ♥ to act silly what can ii say imma dork!!
iim not embarassed to do nething!!
it is very rare 4 me to have an embarrassing
moment because ii could really careless of what people think of me!!!!!
ii dont fall into pressure!!!
ii dont do drugs!!
iim very hard- headed when ii think im right
n trust me! its gonna be really hard to convince
me that im wrong!!
N im the type of girl thatll laugh @ something that happened yesterday!!
N yes ii have some blond moments but dosent everybody???
mmmmm.. im the type of person thatll smile no matter "trust me youll hardly ever see me without a smile on my face!!
ii love to have fun NO matter what!!
Sooo.. if u wanna get to know me jux get at me!!
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