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March 5, 2008 A Full Embrace Excluding Nothing Finding Peace WithinMost people agree that a more peaceful world would be an ideal situation for all living creatures. However, we often seem stumped as to how to bring this ideal situation into being. If we are to have true peace in this world, each one of us must find it in ourselves first. If we don’t like ourselves, for example, we probably won’t like those around us. If we are in a constant state of inner conflict, then we will probably manifest conflict in the world. If we have fighting within our families, there can be no peace in the world. We must shine the light of inquiry on our internal struggles, because this is the only place we can really create change.When we initiate the process of looking inside ourselves for the meaning of peace, we will begin to understand why it has always been so difficult to come by. This in itself will enable us to be compassionate toward the many people in the world who find themselves caught up in conflicts both personal and universal. We may have an experience of peace that we can call up in ourselves to remind us of what we want to create, but if we are human we will also feel the pull in the opposite direction—the desire to defend ourselves, to keep what we feel belongs to us, to protect our loved ones and our cherished ideals, and the anger we feel when threatened. This awareness is important because we cannot truly know peace until we understand the many tendencies and passions that threaten our ability to find it. Peace necessarily includes, even as it transcends, all of our primal energy, much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace.Being at peace with ourselves is not about denying or rejecting any part of ourselves. On the contrary, in order to be at peace we must be willing and able to hold ourselves, in all our complexity, in a full embrace that excludes nothing. This is perhaps the most difficult part for many of us, because we want so much to disown the negative aspects of our humanity. Ironically, though, true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love. THE WAY TO LOVE EVERYTHING IS TO REALIZE.Monday June 18, 2007 Where The Soul Is Finding The Place You BelongThere will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. Your subconscious mind may be ready to move forward long before you recognize that you are destined to embrace a new way of life. Your soul intuitively understands that changing habitats can be a vital part of the growth process and that there may be one part of you that is eager to move to another home, another state, or another plane of existence. But the ties that bind you to your current mode of being can make moving into this next stage of your life more challenging than it has to be. If you find it difficult to move on, consider that just as people in your life may come and go, your role in others' lives may also be temporary. And many of the conditions that at first seemed favorable served you for a short time. When you are ready to match your situation to your soul, you will find that you feel a new sense of harmony and increasingly connected to the ebb and flow of th! e universe.Moving on can be defined in numerous ways. Your forward momentum may take you from your current locale to a place you instinctively know will be more nurturing, comfortable, and spiritually enriching. Once you arrive, your misgivings will vanish, and you will know that you have found a sanctuary. Similarly, subtle changes in your values, goals, or emotional needs can motivate you to distance yourself from one group of people in order to re associate yourself with individuals that are better able to support you. For example, this could mean moving away from your birth family in order to find your energetic or spiritual family. The route you need to travel may not always be clear; you may feel inspired to change yet be unsure as to why or how. Clarity may come in the form of a question if you are willing to seriously ask yourself where your soul is trying to take you.In a way, moving from one point to another when you feel strongly driven to do so is a way of bringing your spiritual and earthly energies together. It is a two-step process that involves not only letting go but also reconnecting. You will know you have found your destination, physical or otherwise, when you feel in your heart that you have been reborn into a life that is just the right shape, size, and composition.11:54 PM January 9, 2007 - TuesdayT-Shirts For Sale Current mood: amusedOrders taken - only two to a customer, though. Have fun trying to decide which two you want most! 1) (On an infant's shirt): Already Smarter Than Bush. 2) 1/20/09: End Of An Error 3) That's OK... I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway 4) Let's Fix Democracy in This Country First 5) Like a Rock... Only Dumber. 6) You Can't Be Pro-War And Pro-life At The Same Time 7) If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President 8) Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet? 9) George Bush: Creating The Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight 10) Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blowjobs Anymore 11) America: One Nation, Under Surveillance 12) They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It 13) Which God Do You Kill For? 14) Jail To The Chief! 15) Who Would Jesus Torture? 16) No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade? 17) Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap 18) Bad president! No Banana. ent 19) We Need A President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language 20) We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them 21) Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Blood 22) Is It Vietnam Yet? 23) Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either 24) Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket? 25) You Elected Him. You Deserve Him. 26) Impeach Cheney First 27) Dubya, Your Dad Shoulda Pulled Out, Too 28) When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46 29) The Republican Party: Our Bridge To The 11th Century 30) 2004: Embarrassed 2005: Horrified 2006: Terrified January 1, 2007 - MondayAll Of Us...Happy New Year To All Those I Love... You Know Who You Are. PEACE On You.6:27 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove VirtualMsTree1Last Updated: Oct 30, 2007 Post New Blog Customize Email to a FriendGender: Female Status: Divorced Age: 48 Sign: LibraCity: West Warwick State: Rhode Island Country: USSignup Date: 12/19/05My Blog GroupsBlog GroupsMy Subscriptions Ian Ezio Karanoid Burton Cummings
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