About Me
This Myspace was created for use during my hiatus from AllPoetry.com as a way for friends to find out how I'm getting on and what my hiatus is all about.
Since then I haven't really used it for anything other than the occasional blog and my latest one (back in June) explains why :)
For those not finding enough info about me here try www.allpoetry.com/Random%20Master but really it's best to just chat to me :)
For those who don't believe my weirdness....
You Are 90% Weird
You're more than quirky, you're downright strange.
But you're also strangely compelling, like a cult leader.
How Weird Are You?
This section is due an update, watch this space as I will be rambling on about stuff which relates to my life (which would be a first)
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Thought I'd get around to updating this a bit, though I'm sure I lack visits through no updates lol but since I link this page from my facebook one I need to add things..... (some of which is repeated elsewhere on my page, probably)
I'm 23, currently living with my housemate in Swansea I'm currently working full time as an accounts clerk for an accountacy firm whilst studying part time towards an ACCA certificate qualification in Accountancy.
I enjoy reading, writing (when I find the time), sketching (again, depending on time, this one's the rarest), listening to music (see side bar for more info on that.) and gaming. Be it board game, card game, tabletop, RPG, video game. I'm always curious when I see others gaming to find out what's being played. Gaming appeals to my observant nature and love for statistics (if you don't like numbers, you can stop booing and/or rolling your eyes now - why else do you think I got interested in accountancy?)
I'm a keen heroic/epic sword and sorcery fantasy fan when it comes to book reading and it's influenced my own exploration of the genre with my writing. I started my own novel back in the summer of 2004 and have been working on the back story when I find the time and when confident enough and have the story plots fresh in my mind I try and write the next chapter. (Would you believe I've only written four of the chapters in full so far? Alot of the storylines have been worked out though for what I hope could be 4-5 parts/books.) I'll look into publishing when I've actually finished one part/book which could be a long way away at my current frequency of writing. For anyone interested, the four chapters are posted on the AllPoetry site mentioned at the begining of this section.
My Blog
For some reason last Friday (7th March) I felt really really good. Now this could be for a number of reasons.1) I was incredibly tired and yet alert, though the part of my brain that tends to verthink...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:31:00 GMT
Some observations of Swansea
So couple of things that might be funny or interesting to know.Firstly for anyone that passes the Cherry Tree, down Carmarthen road. Have you seen their banner? "Having an Affair?" then lower down "Fu...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:25:00 GMT
Late Late Reviews
So it's that time again for a blog update. *waits for the cheers to die down*Firstly I'd like to point out my current change of description. I did start changing it to something humourous every couple...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:40:00 GMT
Thinking and changes
Well again it's been a long while since I've posted anything new in my blog. I could put alot of material in here but I'd rather not rant openly, it's not my thing. I could also be vague about it........
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 11:57:00 GMT
Overdue update!
Order of the Stick : Start of Darkness book arrived. Definately worth the wait!Order of the Stick webcomic
Ross Noble is in Swansea in September and already got tickets! Really looking forward to that...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:54:00 GMT
Wish I'd taken my camera to work
I really do.... from about 10am this morning we had non-stop thick snow. At work we didn't think much of it at first as we'd had pretty heavy rainfall from atleast 8am. It got bad enough that we had t...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:20:00 GMT
URGH has it really been 3 months?
Since my last blog post anyway, now I know regular readers (pssh year right like I have those!) will probably dread reading this expecting some long rambling blog of what's been going on. Well then I ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:23:00 GMT
Quick update RE: Music
I thought I'd take a few mintues to go around adding a few more bands to my friend list here on myspace (a way of showing appreciation etc.) Also gives me a chance to check out other bands either in a...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 02:15:00 GMT
I'm not dead, just lazy
Hey peeps/peepettes!I decided to post a blog after so long just to be different! Lots of this have happend. Firstly I got Terry Goodkind's new book "Phantom" I read it rather quickly but stopped about...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:29:00 GMT
Bloody Hell!
Hey all,Very quick and brief post. First of all apologies to those subscribed to my blog having nothing to read since May 12th, this is due to me and not feeling like sharing stuff with the world for ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 00:35:00 GMT