matial arts, skindiveing, the sea, music, human complexity
I'm looking for "THE" one, and with her I want to have a family, and that means that if she doesn't want kids no party....a "half" relationship is not what I'm looking for. ops...looked around the corner and...there she was...yyyyyyyyyyyyhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!se la fortuna mi assiste, spero di trovare la mia "lei" ma.....non senza il progetto di formare una famiglia....sono passato per tre convivenze...tutte storie importanti e positive....finite per il non desiderio di avere figli, per cui, visto che la sterilità di coppia proprio non m'interessa.... ops..bastava guardare dietro l'angolo...era lì.....eeeeeeevvvvvaaaaiiiiiiiiiii
rock, blues, metal, jazz, fushion, classic, '70 and '80 disco
I love special effects and graphics, a movie for me is a moment of relax and fun
as for the movies
thrillers, sci fi, and whatever gets my curiosity
the man who will be able to fit the poem "if" by kipling