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About Me

During a raid on a drug dealer named two time..I...Shot and killed Detective Terry Crowley I planed it I carried it out I shot him once just bellow the eye...My strike team was uh committing Criminal acts on a regular basis at first it was just uh taking drugs from busts turning it around and selling it for profit we were able to do this by making partnerships with local drug dealers and gangs you know they we knew we could leverage I killed Crowley to protect me and my guys i shot him with two times gun to divert suspicion but Aceveda did Kavanagh the IAD investigator that was after us they just couldn't prove it I was to good. How much memory has that thing got? My team and I left some marked money for a guy named O'brian the money had been stolen from the Armenian mob two million dollars HA HA we found out later it was uh the cash was a part of an investigation into the local Armenian money laundering it was only a mater of time before the connected O'Brian to the cash and they killed him. Olivia "why did you plant the money on him" We couldn't let the Armenians know that we had stolen it could I? The Armenians didn't like getting ripped off so they sent an old school goon to find it Margos he hacked off half the feet in Farmington looking for eventually things started pointing at us it was the beginning of the end for my team Shane Vendrell's Wife Mara took some of the marked money she gave it away Lems conscience started getting to him it turned us against each other Olivia "What happened to Margos" I killed him...I got the drop on him i shot him when he dropped his gun and massaged the crime scene to make it look righteous Shane Killed Lem with a grenade... I didnt find out about that untill after I had already tortured and killed our lead suspect Guardo Lema I eventually got Emolia to recant her statement but it didn't mater... Lem was still gone and our Armenian Problem was just beginning....
I took down the mob and gave ICE the biggest win they have ever had and they stick me in a desk job Never trust a blonde at least im not in jail or dead
I am a ruthless cop who loves his family and friends and will do anything for them including killing. and i believe the end justifies the means

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

No one i just want to see my kids

My Blog

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