Brave people like: six-zero-five-two-one-two-seven-seven-eight-seven who also wishes their phones would ring more often.
Wicked smart kids who can think stuff up like this:
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies"- Aristotle.
I'd like to meet other people sharing my soul.
So, if you are: creative, original, imaginative, & clever; well balanced in spirit, body and emotion; assertive but not aggressive; spontaneous but not flighty; and never afraid to laugh or cry. If you consider yourself: loud, hilarious, irreplaceable, and hellbound except for a few saving graces. If you believe: blowing kisses is okay, but backing up the gesture with real kisses is better; politeness is not a sign of weakness but good manners; and that you should remind your loved ones you love them cause sometimes they forget. If your mind is: alert, sensitive, active, profound and at peace. If you know: lines from your favorite movie by heart; the differences between Pepsi and Coke; recipes that can compete with my mom's delicious cooking; and know where to take me to eat when both of us are too lazy to cook. If you will: go to the ends of the earth for me, because you know i will do the same for you; take me or pick me up from the airport just cause with no need for incentive or bribery; look out for my best interest, even if that means telling me the cold, hard truth; and tell me all your adventures while letting me participate in a few of them. If any and all of that apply, then you should introduce yourself... its time we met!