Donna profile picture


Ka Dunk a Dunk!

About Me

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Your Candy Heart Says "Cutie Pie"
You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never try to meet anyone.
A total charmer, you have a natural appeal that keeps you in high demand.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: multiple dates with multiple people

Your flirting style: 100% natural

What turns you off: serious relationship talks

Why you're hot: you're totally addicting What Does Your Candy Heart Say?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Your Birthdate: September 9
For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over.
In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with.
You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending!

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 5

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4

You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month. What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

My Blog


Posted by Donna on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:51:00 PST