I LOVE to read.
I really like the History Channel :)
Rock...is the only way to go.
I like fishing and going to the creek
Getting in mudfights is pretty fun. Except when the mud smells like fish lol.
I love summer more than anything.
I love to eat. and eat alot. :)
I live in the middle of nowhere but I love it.
I'm going to school to be a Nurse and hopefully it will work out.
I am minoring in Photography. I'm taking my first Photography class next fall and I'm really excited.
I love my friends even though I don't see them much anymore.
I like to play video games
I love my mom. :)
I like to take pictures of everything everywhere I go.
♥ A guy who will...
love me for me...
understand that i love him and never question it...
surprise me...
make me laugh every day...
tell me that he loves me b/c he truly means it, not b/c he feels like he has to...
stand with me in the rain atleast once...
hold my hand in front of everyone to show i'm his...
hold me in his arms when i'm crying and tell me everything will be ok, no matter what...
wipe the tears from my face...
when i'm wrong, tell me, then let it go and trust i'll figure out i made a mistake...
be honest with me...
see me as a girlfriend AND a friend...
see how much i love him just by looking in my eyes...
never let me go home mad at him...
appreciate me...
when he goes somewhere, will bring me something back just to show he thought of me...
do something crazy with me...
never let love become routine...
" let me believe in him. ♥
And I Have Him!! ♥
1. i love turnip greens!
2. i love...Christmas!
3. i'm obsessed with history.
4. i can't park.
5. i sit at the computer with my feet propped on the desk.
6. i love blended white chocolate mochas!
7. i love to take pictures.
8. i have to sleep on an extremely fluffy pillow.
9. i sing just about everytime i'm completely alone.
10. i eat hot sauce on just about everything.
11. ...actually, hot sauce and ranch..
12. i can't sleep in anything besides a cut off tshirt and basketball shorts.
13. my favorite place to be is in my boyfriend's arms.
14. i clean my car when i accumulate about 20 to 25 water bottles in the floor.
15. i concentrate the best when i have the tv and the radio on at the same time.
16. if i watch tv, i usually only watch the history channel.
17. my dream is to travel the world.
18. my career goal is to become a pediatrician.
19. i buy a pack of gum every other day.
20. my eyes change color between green and brown.
21. i use pantene shampoo.
22. and ralph lauren hot perfume.
23. my boyfriend and my friends mean the world to me.
24. i have a beastly chihuahua named tippy.
25. i took piano lessons for three years...and i want to learn to play the guitar.
26. the perfect date for me is just a night out with all our friends (maybe spend a little time in the square..lol).
27. the first time i tried to ride a dirtbike i ended up leavign dents in my mom's car.
28. i have "hit" a person with my car before (dustin!)
29. i love daniel!
i love music...rock is closest to my heart though, lol. i like alot of alternative, and some country. i'm not that big of a fan of rap...i usually only listen to it with laramie lol.♥ Some of the Favs ♥chris daughtry
breaking benjamin
avenged sevenfold
fallout boy
dallas green
the all-american rejects
killswitch engage
stone sour
three days grace
guns n' roses
i'm very critical of movies...i don't really know how to explain my taste in them...
if i watch tv...its usually only the history channel or the discovery health channel. or the movies that come on saturday morning on usa, tnt, or tbs..lol.
i just love books. i love historical books...it doesn't matter if its historical fiction or an informative book on ancient civilizations or war...i'll read it and most likely love it.