Thomas profile picture


People love to be paranoid and impressionable She-Male 666 years old Richwood, TX United States Last

About Me


I'm 30, married and I live in Lake Jackson. That much you could have probably gathered on your own from reading my info. I also like most things technical and have recently been big on history. That too you could have read from my interest section. Hell, why am I even wasting time filling this area up? Read my other sections!
2 years old
Hades, TX
United States

Last Login: 07/04/1492

My Interests

I'm big into technology. Mostly all aspects of Information Technology, Computer Systems, Networking Technology, and Security Systems. I also like learning everything I can about Flash, as that is my ideal web authoring, web animation, and picture manipulation tool. I know I can use Photoshop to do most (and more) with images, but I work best with Flash, and a very good Flash Programmer once told me that rather than try to know how to use all tools, I should choose one I'm really good at and use just that. I used to be into programming in general, but I've drifted away from it. I get alot of people (work, friends, associates) that ask for recommendations on Anti-virus programs, Anti-Spyware programs, how to copy DVD's, how to make DVD's (from DV camera, VHS, or any other captured source), Making music CD's, making VCD's, downloading pictures from camera phones for free, upload ringtones, swap phonebook info, webpage design, security camera setup, computer forensic and diagnostics, and many other computer related task. So I make it a point to know when they ask. So if any of you have questions on the above, or something not mentioned, just ask. If I don't already know it, I can sure figure it out pretty quickly. I also setup people's home entertainment systems (especially with XBOX and PSPs. For some reason they have problems setting up surround sound with them). Operating camcorders or other electrical devices and especially, printing photo quality pictures, or manipulating images (ex. black and white photo with some object in color). I've done all of this free for people, but I figure I'd get as much experience as I can before I quit my job and go to work for myself as some Technology Guy or something. I basically like to know how things work. I prefer to learn how to fix something myself rather than call a repair guy (I can replace glass windows like it's going out of style... don't ask). I really like to fish, even though I'm no good at it. I like to go crabbing, and floundering. I'm also a pretty avid reader (latest books are Forever Odd and American Gods). I used to be a comic book freak, and I'm getting back into it now. I also like History. Nothing in particular, just all history. I think I should have gone to school to me a history major. Not great pay, but sure is interesting, to me at least. I'm getting into power tools lately. Most importantly, I love all things Christmas.

I'd like to meet:

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I seriously listen to a little bit of everything.


Snatch, Lord of the Rings (all of them), Star War Episode 3 and up, The Last Samurai, Kung Pao.


Family Guy, American Dad, Smallville, Supernatural, South Park, all History Channel progamming, all National Geopraphic programming, Most Discovery Channel (and subchannels) programming, most Food Network programming.


Angels and Demons, Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, American Gods, Legend Of Huma, Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning, Dragons of Summer Flame, The Ten Things you Can't Say in America, Knight of the Black Rose.


My wife, My daughter, my brother, my parents, Silver Surfer, Thanos, Odd Thomas, and my cats Dizzy and Noah.

Click Here For Hailey's Video! .."I Love my Hailey!"

My Blog

Stupid People

Just like the title states people are stupid.  Before I offend anyone, let me clarify.  The people in positions of power at my place of employment (Hell) are stupid.  What makes them st...
Posted by Thomas on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:17:00 PST


Hey, for those of you that receive 50 million bulletins in a day, I posted a bulletin that we are moving Saturday the 12th.  If you are in the area and would like to help us, please contact me.&n...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:22:00 PST

Old Records and Atari Games

Hey I have  a crap load of old records and atari games that are in pretty good shape.  The records are not obvious stuff like Elvis or the Beatles (but I do have some of those too) but are a...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:17:00 PST

Hailey's Website When you have the chance, please visit my Daughters website.  There are tons of stories and pictures to enjoy.  Please be sure to sign our guestbook so...
Posted by Thomas on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:52:00 PST

Micro Managers

It gets harder and harder for me to deal with our micro managers at work.  They really pissed me off today by trying to place blame on me about something they are clueless on how it functions. &n...
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:26:00 PST

I.T. Managers

Why is it that I.T. Managers are worthless?  I believe that I.T. is the only field where the managers or directors can be absolutely clueless as to how I.T. works and still get into a high paying...
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:19:00 PST

My Wife

I'm not sure if all of you know my wife Crystal, but let me just tell you that if you don't, you are missing out.  She is the most beautiful, talented, caring, intelligent, and wise person I know...
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST

MySpace Vaginaism

The subject is in no related to this blog.  Just an attention provoker. It's really amazing how well MySpace has done.  It's become the reunion spot for friends of old and a replacement for ...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:39:00 PST

MySpace Friends

You know, I've been on MySpace for some time now and I only have 29 friends.  I'm really cool with that.  Most people have so many people they add as friends or request to be their friends t...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST