Robbie the Rabbit is the cute pink mascot of the Lakeside Amusement Park in Silent Hill. He, or presumably some poor actor in a giant Robbie the Rabbit suit, was first seen by Heather in Silent Hill 3 sitting on a bench in the amusement park. We guess he was killed, but the blood surrounding his mouth hints at a much more complex and gruesome story.The creepiest moment with the rabbit and potentially the freakiest moment in the entire Silent Hill series comes as you peep in on Eileen, your next-door neighbor in Silent Hill 4. After discovering there is a hole in your wall that allows you to spy on Eileen, it becomes second nature to check on her "to make sure she's all right" every time you return to The Room. Sometimes she's there and sometimes the room is empty, except for the Robbie the Rabbit carnival doll that sits lifelessly on her bed. Then, after you do this routine a couple dozen times, you look through the hole and the pink bunny IS STARING RIGHT AT YOU AND POINTING ITS FINGER IN YOUR DIRECTION. This is the most terrifying moment in voyeurism since Raymond Burr looked directly into the camera of Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. In fact, it's just like that! It's just like Raymond Burr is a pink carnival bunny! Now do you get how scary that is? It made us swear off non-Internet voyeurism for the rest of our lives.
..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
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