WeLL, I am a fairLy reLaxed dreamy girL - I get on with most peopLe apart from eejits with oversized egos which I can't abide. I'm very open and probabLy teLL
people too much but nevermind.I'm normal. I mean I do what normaL peopLe does. Go to parties, get drunk and get Laid. What eLse is there....???I'm just pLain crazy!!! I'm a troubLemaker and there is no peace around me... You don't take me seriousLy, enough to see that I can't take my own seLf seriousLy. But seriousLy... I Like to share.I worry about peopLe, have no time for fakers, try to be as
honest with peopLe as possibLe, I smiLe a Lot, am a happy
souL and fucking Love music - my one passion in Life.I'm an eternal optimist, but with that I aLso worry a Lot so
spend a Lot of time teLLing myseLf, 'no things wiLL be
okay, ' no they wont' ' yes they wiLL' - It can get very
fraught in my head sometimes.