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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Joshua: pronounced ( JAH-SHOE-WA )(JAHSH-WA) or just (Josh)
in Hebrew: Yehoshua..... now try sayin' that

Let it be said of us, that we spoke the words of life... to save the lost n point them to the true n only path
Oh Summer Where Art Thou? ........Okay who stopped the payment on my reality check?
(I'd thought i'd finally write one of this intros since everyone has one n i want to be in the "in" crowd, yea right... i'm unique just like everybody else,(if u didn't get that joke don't worry it'll come to ya)
Joshua is the name, and joshing is the game. Ok so that was lame.(alrighty i'll stop rhyming) Well, first off i'd like to say(even though this ain't the 1st thing i said, ironic no)..... Howdy n' welcome to the awesome site of mine(why yes i am humble) i'm a graphic designer, went to school to be a digital animator (wanted to work at Pixar), but i decided i didn't want to move to California or Florida, i'm a home grown Eastern-Carolinian n' i plan to stay that way, i love this place (whoever doesn' a space alien or illegal alien...ether one)
I'm a musician(if i could be called that) i love playing music n singin' a tune, I play in sing wherever i can be it on a porch, at the park, in the mall, when its dark, on a hammock, at an event, in church, or campin' in a tent... i like all types of music, i love singin' songs about God the most, that i may worship n praise Him with the gifts He gave me... am i a Christian, yes i am, but i haven't always been, i thought was was a Christian my entire life: i went to church, i didn't curse, i did good deeds, i asked Jesus in my heart when i was 12, compared to most ppl i was a good person... but that wasn't true, i was in sin, i lied, i cheated, i stole, i lusted, i hated, i coveted, i put things before God... i knew in my heart these things where wrong but i keep going.. i didn't truly realize the sin i was in until the summer of '06, i got an iPod n listened to a podcast of a radio show call The Way of the Master, n the show used God's Law the 10 commandments to show ppl their sins n their need for a savior. for the Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, lusting is committing adultery in the heart, so is hatred the same as murder, n the Bible says in 1 Corinth. 6:9-10 that neither the unrighteous, nor fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomits, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. and the Bible says that there is no one who is good, and i thought only good ppl got into Heaven, i never knew if i was going to Heaven b/c i didn't know if i was good enough, but the thing is that there is nothing that i can do. that if i died i'd be going to Hell. But God did something great for me and u He became Man, 100% Man, 100% God, to live a sinless life and die for my sins, and rise again from the grave. that i can have eternal life through Him. it's a gift from God to all who humble themselves n come to Jesus."Turn to God in repentance and have faith in the Lord Jesus"(Acts 20:21). i realize that i was a false convert i never truly repented of my sins n put my trust/faith in Jesus Christ. I finally truly repented of my sin and trusted Jesus Christ, and He forgave me of my sins and give me a new heart!"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation!"(2 Corinth. 5:17).
my life was changed, i became born again, my mind was renewed, i don't think the way i use to, God had cleaned my mind, the sins i once loved i now hate, i run from them, n not fall into that like i was did...i love going to church now, n worshiping God with my fellow Christians, reading the Bible, n learning of His Word n living by it, now i know i'm going to Heaven....
But the question is do you? you're reading this for a reason, this is a fallen world...and it doesn't matter if we know God or not. its if God knows us (see Matt. 25:31-46) ppl can think they know God, but they never truly repented of their sins and trusted Jesus Christ, which is how we become born again. b/c Jesus said no one will see the kingdom of God unless they are born again (John 3:3-21) the Bible says if you don't repent n trust Jesus Christ you will be in eternally punishment in Hell(Matt. 25:46), where the fire is unquenchable (Luke 3:17) Jesus spoke more of Hell then He did of Heaven, its a real place of eternal death... so will you receive God's gift of everlasting life repent of your sins n trust in Jesus Christ(the Way the Truth and the Life, there is no other way to the Father but through the Son). Please do this then read the Bible and obey it. Find a good church to help you grow. and tell others the Good NEWS!
If you have any questions please email me, for i care where you spend your eternity, please think about this.....
Joshua is the name, and joshing is the game.
Life's a Beach, Build a Sandcastle
American by Birth, Southern by the Grace of God, Christian by Choice.
And thats where I take my stand, because God did become man.
God created everything from the big to the small
He made plants animals even dinosaurs, He made them all
He lit up the night sky with the moon and stars
that’s all they're there for, so there’s no aliens on Mars
If you read your bible you'll find out its all true
that God indeed made everything, he made me and he made you
and we should all go to hell for we have all sinned
but God paid our fine for his Son he sent
who was born from a virgin n lived a sinless life
and died on the cross as a living sacrifice
so that if we receive him and repent from our sins
and follow him we shall be born again
so go out into this world and spread the good word
I'm not talking about a religion but about living your life for the Lord
it won't be easy, the path is narrow and winding
but through Jesus Christ we can do all things

Check out my portfolio site I made at
I'm trying to start a band, check out the band site Bogue Sound

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the Father, Son, n Holy Ghostother Christians who are on fire for God. Christian musicians


Don't send a lame Holiday eCard . Try JibJab Sendables !
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Here's a video of me playin "Walk By Faith" by Jeremy Camp at the CF Telethon 2007
Check out more of my videos on youtube (
My Photography
"Joshua Tree Photography"

Joshua Tree Photography 2008

Youth Works Mission Trip 2007: Savannah, GA


My Blog

Saint Francis . . . A Sissy? - By Ray Comfort

August 2007 ..> ..> ..> Read more by Ray Comfort ..> ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:45:00 GMT

Harry Potter Part 2 Article from

Is "Harry Potter" Harmless? ..> See this page in: French (Français) The reading phenomenon known as "Harry Potter" is sweeping the globe, and it truly has an inter...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 19:36:00 GMT

Harry Potter

(Reposted blog) Hey guys, this is some feedback that some kids had about the new Harry Potter book. Enjoy!Sarah is as close as you can get to your typical 9-year-old American girl. A third-grader at L...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 21:24:00 GMT

Wow!!??!! The Seekers Prayer

The Seeker's PrayerHow should lost people pray in order to be saved?Today we tell people to say a quick prayer and really mean it. Then we congratulate them because they are now in the family of God. ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 19:03:00 GMT

the 1st survey I did, so its old

..>About MeName:Joshua LewisNickname:JoshBirthday:May 9Age:20, yeehaw goin' on 21Height:6 footHair Color:Dirty BlondeEye Color:Bluish greyAIM Username:jogold20Have You EverFallen for your bestfriend:n...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 20:58:00 GMT

CHRISTmas, "It's About the Cross"

This is a chorus to the Go Fish song "It's About the Cross"which tells of the real meaning of CHRISTmas "It's About the Cross, it's about my sins, it's about how Jesus came to be born one, so that we ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:16:00 GMT

Its not a religion its life....

God created everything from the big to the small He made plants animals even dinosaurs, He made them all He lit up the night sky with the moon and stars that's all they're there for, so there's ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 19:16:00 GMT

The Thunder Rolls n' the Lighting Strikes

  I was at my cottage at Bogue Sound Saturday in a big storm came through.Its cool to watch storms there. Some big clouds started coming in so i took some photographs of it until the rain was com...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 19:40:00 GMT

Super Dude the Sufer Dude

A day surfed is a day saved.... not reallyLessons in Surfingthe most dangerous thing in the ocean to a surfer is his surf boardgot to the beach at just before 9am to meet for the surf lesson like i wa...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 20:25:00 GMT


Okay, i came up with this character for my character development class. We had to come up with a character, so i was thinkin' about a dinosaur, and well, when u think dinosaurs you think Jurassic Park...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:42:00 GMT