music and art( painting, drawing, photography, ceramics....everything)
the world sounds nice to meet....This is some pretty amazing stuff.
Paul Gilbert, Sublime, Etta James, Billie Holiday, jimi hendrix, Superdrag, Cake, Korean Full house soundtrack
Detroit Rock City, Garage Days, Empire Records, Reality Bites, desperado, once upon a time in mexico, La Bamba, pretty in pink, princess bride, before sunrise, before sunset, the notebook, spinal tap, anything from john cusack, CROSSROADS!!!(Not the gay britney spears one), For Keeps, 40 yr. old virgin, old school, anchorman, wedding crashers. G3 tour Live in Denver ( Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and Yngwie Malmsteem), Pride and Prejudice -the one with colin firth-, spirited away, the thing called love, LOVE ME IF YOU DARE
iron chef, MIAMI INK is freakin awesome, one tree hill, friends, Project Runway, Nodame, Korean Full House
A voice in the wind, An echo in the darkness and As sure as the dawn...All by Francine Rivers(these three books are the most amazing novels i have ever read in my life.) Harry Potter -All of them-, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series!!!!!!!!
No One
I really like jellyfish. I think they're rad.