I like to fish, drive fast cars, stomp around in big trucks,Work on
Both, I really like my art, or at least what's left of it, but I'm Working that Issue. I play pool, dance, sing, and for the most part I'm very open minded and try to enjoy every peice of life that comes at me, and once I get everything stright with shit around here, I'll be free again.
Update Almost free getting things in order but it seems I c an't truely be free untill I get absoutly everything stright and it seems it may be harder than I once thought untill I have the ability to do such I'm going to have to kick a little harder.
What level of car person are you?
Repair shops are for wusses! You think that only pretty boys drive Corvettes. You know which colors and options were available on a 1966 Pontiac Catalina.
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what type of car are you?
Muscle Car
you like it fast and loud and want everybody to know it. u have raw muscle under the hood
Congratulations, Shawn!
Your IQ score is 144! Visionary Philosopher
Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game -- to imagine or anticipate what should happen next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with new ideas and this makes you a Visionary Philosopher.You also have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns in all sorts of situations, a talent that adds to your visionary philosopher mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Angilina Jolie, For one hell of a kiss, Chris Cornell, to kick back and talk about life, David Letterman, to go to taco Bell order 500 Tacos and pass them out in his car, David Bowie, For Pondering the symtom of the universe, and Lot's of good friends, and trust me it takes quite a while through trust and hardships to find that and know that they are good friends.
You Are Samuel Adams
You're fairly easy to please when it comes to beer - as long as it's not too cheap.
You tend to change favorite beers frequently, and you're the type most likely to take a "beers of the world" tour.
When you get drunk, you're fearless. You lose all your inhibitions.
You're just as likely to party with a group of strangers as you are to wake up in a very foreign place.
What's Your Beer Personality?
Just about any thing except Redundancy in lyrics, melody or beats, nothing annoying due to repition
Hitchhickers Guide to the galaxy, Monty Python meaning of life and search for the holy grail, Fight Club, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Cronicles Of Riddick, Labyrinth, The Crow (Original only), I Will Fight No More Forever, City Of Angels (1998 Nicolas Cage). .
Cartoon Network, Disney, Nick, MTV ( when there actually playing music), and not too much
Charles shultz, Spider Man, Ronald Reagan, Jim Varney, Terry Bogard, Chris Cornell, John Belushi, Don Garlits, and Walter Elias Disney.