Here Are Some Facts About William Moseley:
He is a really funny and down to earth guy from what i've seen during his interviews.
~Full Name: William Moseley
~Date of Birth: April 27, 1987
~Born: Gloucestershire, England
~~Age: 20
~Height: 6'1
~Hair Color: Light Brown/blondish
~Eye Color: Blue
~Pets: a cat and a goldfish
~Designer: Marc Jacobs
~Loves: His ipod
~His Fave school Subject: English
~Activities: Rugby, Football (meaning soccer, not American football)
~Parents: He is the eldest son of Peter Moseley, a cinematographer, and Julie Fleming.
~Siblings: Has two younger siblings, a sister Daisy, and a brother Ben.
~Loves: Tea
~If he were to have a undercover name for hotels: Mr. Teacup
~TV Shows: 24, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Entourage
~If he were to ask any actress out: Jessica Alba
~Dream Car: Mercedes 1950 Gold with red interior
~He auditioned, unsuccessfully, for the role of Harry Potter.
I don't think it can sink in. I don't think it really struck me when I first got the part what it was like. I'm fortunate, I'm lucky that it hasn't hit me yet. The weird thing is when you see yourself, as you're driving by, on a poster or you see yourself on a washing up box or something - it's so bizarre. It's just momentary, it's only within those brief few seconds when you see it then you move on with your day. I have a very good family, very good friends and I'm lucky that everyone has been so supportive and kind to me.
"My favourite childhood memory is running a cross country race when I was eleven - which I won. It was a very long race and I trained very, very hard for fit. My family came to watch me - that’s definitely my favourite childhood memory†- William