Work, School, Being In Nature, Discovering Things Beautiful, Relaxing & Meditation, Visual & Audible Arts
the beatles, metallica, mr stock, dave chapelle, whoever the hell does Meatwad's voice, the cop that took reems, eeh, i suppose that'll do pig
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metallica, system of a down, afi, goldfinger, aerosmith, acdc, zeppelin, pink floyd, daft punk, anything trance, tool, dredg, some shins every now and then, simon and garfunkle, the beatles, Mewithoutyou, Him if it's good, anything with a political view of criticizing government, trip hop
garden state, saw, braveheart, light it up, monty python life of brian, half baked, fridays, pet cemetary (only the first) horror and comedy. Some good porn, alice in wonderland dark side of oz
Simpsons - Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Neon Genesis Evangelion - Family Guy - South Park - Seinfeld - Dirty Jobs - Modern Marvels - Unwrapped - Chapelle's Show - Mind of Mencia - Music Videos - King of the Hill
Outsiders - That Was Then, This Is Now oh shit and my two bibles Catcher in the Rye and Go Ask Alice
screw having heroes! Here's a list of my turn ons and TURN OFFS: good eyes- good hair- can take a joke- willing to try fun stuff- trusting- likes me for me- doesn't try to act like everyone else- isn't ashamed to know me- glasses- nice voice (or sounds made during particular activities)- smart people- good work ethic- clean people- nice skin (not in a gross way, just nice tone and what not)- OVERSIZE (MORE THAN 2