I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
Hello, my name is Meatman. You're here, on Myspace, so i guess you're just another friend collector. I bet you have a lot of cool people in your list : bands (even if you stopped accepting their requests when you understood that music makers didn't love you that much but were just into promotional bullshit), people from the opposite sex, even celebrities. But i'm pretty sure you miss some goddamn superhero. Well ... I'm no superhero. I'm sorry (i really am). I mean, my mother says i'm super, but i'm definitely not a hero. When i was a teenager, some dumb accident (i'll tell you the story some day) turned me into this big piece-o-meat, but gave me absolutely no superpowers. So now all i do is walking around, doing teenage stuff and wondering how i could be useful to humanity (in another way than feeding hundreds of people by setting myself on fire). I came on Myspace for this reason, i guess. To find the meaning of my life. My destiny. Maybe to catch a few topless pictures, too.