alumanaughty profile picture


praise with elation, praise every morning, God's recreation of the new day

About Me

love the day, bask in the sun and smile away and if there is no sun, bask in the grey cause one day, when you're old and gray you'll look back and say, i lived all my days from this one to that, with love and with hope, with dreams that were fat i shouted, i cried, i laughed and i loved, i cherished all days from abyss to above

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

lovers, fighters, drunks, the meek, the poor, idiots, children, idiotic children, women, taxidermists, bio-chemical engineers, you, your mother, your mother in-law, adam, eve, moses, einstein, picasso, shakespeare, people who can make me laugh, who will listen to me sing and who brush their teeth

My Blog


Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:41:00 GMT

top 10 plays

Romeo & Juliet (1596) - Shakespeare Merchant of Venice (1597) - Shakespeare Ubu Roi (1896) - Alfred Jarry Long Day's Journey into Night (1941) - Eugene O`Neil The Bald Soprano (1950) - Eugene Ione...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:25:00 GMT