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Preeminent Production Music Library

About Me

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Over 5,000 Licensable tracks
Beyond is a premier production music library servicing the production community with the most organized collection of instrumental music in all genres to fulfill even the dirtiest of production music fantasies.

The library has been compiled and organized so that editors, producers, ducks, and music supervisors can find what they need quickly, and more important accurately. And when all else fails the Beyond music supervisor knows the library like the back of the car stuck in front of him on the 405 during rush hour.
Better yet Beyond is a part of the infamously famous music house Musikvergnuegen ( ) and we can hook you up with the best original music for any project that you can think of (as long as it doesn't involve squirrels, we're afraid of squirrels).And, as well as offering both licensable and orginal music for projects, beyond is also available for music supervision services for film, television, and video games. We combine our comprehensive knowledge of recorded music, with our wide span of contacts with labels, publishers, licensing companies, and independent artists, combined with our impeccable taste for good tunes and how they can enhance the emotions of a scene to make your project's soundtrack the best it can possibly be.

My Interests

Music, television, commercials, film.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone in need of great music for cool projects - Film, Television, Commercials, Industrials, Video Games, Sock Puppet Shows, you know, the usual.


Anything that works with the scene.


Any movie with a great soundtrack.


Any TV show with a great soundtrack.


Books don't have soundtracks.