Anyone who knows me knows that i like a cold beer or a good sporting event and if the mood calls for it then mix and match those interests. But what really interests me is getting to know someone and how their mind percieves life and love whether its has nothing to do with me or everything to do with me. I love figuring out why people act the way they do and say things that they would "normally" never say.
Anyone or anything that will talk back to me. OR..... anyone who is going to enlighten my life with some kind of useful gesture or bit of information otherwise whats the point. If im not enlightened or ur not useful then its just going to irritate the shit out of me and cause me to go from not liking you to well.... not liking you more... I would also like to meet anyone who will give a shit about someone else besides themselves... trust me it makes the world a much happier place.
JOHNNY CASH!!! and all other country. Rock when im mad of just need a release from my everyday life. Any song that reminds me of a good memory or part of my life.
Walk the line, endless summer, rent and thank you for smoking. all comedy has to go to dane cook, ryan reynolds, and kevin james . i hate stupid comedy that has no underlying meaning and that requires no thought.
poker, friends, and NFL SUNDAY TICKET and any texas team that is playing in any sport
Chronicles of Narnia----Not just because of the movie---- and The Davinci Code
grandad (god rest his soul), dad, and anyone who can make their own future their own way and it makes them happier with each day that goes by.