being with close friends and Jen, beach n boardwalk, music, movies, sports, partying, anyting fun and worthwhile...
Snuffy, Gail, Leo..Little Moe with the gimpy leg...Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff...I can go on forever baby...
Chilli Peppers, Greenday, Ramones, Doors, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Clapton, Billy Joel, Springsteen, Bob Marley, Frank Sinatra, Sublime, Bon Jovi, jazz...etc
Meet The Parents/Fockers, Wedding Crashers, Batman, Spiderman, Zoolander, Dumb n Dumber, Ace Ventura, really any jim carrey movie lol, Field Of Dreams, Catch Me If You Can, JFK, Bobby, Forrest Gump, Hook, MIB,Addams Family Values, Cast Away, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Bowfinger, Home Alone 2, Departed, Cool Runnings, a lot more
Seinfeld, Curb your Enthusiasm, Entourage, NHL, NFL, MLB...etc
if I make it past the first page odds are I'll end up reading it
My family n friends...all perfect examples of heroes