She Calls Me Smush Face profile picture

She Calls Me Smush Face

Alot has changed since my days when I stayed on Fort Stewart

About Me


♥ Tyvette

My Interests

drawin playin sports chillin out kickin it wit my homeboys and homegirls playin video games chattin online textin on the phone listenin to peoples problemsTake the quiz:
What Specific Sport Are You?

YOU ARE BASKETBALL! you like to shoot sum hoops after school with your buds

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Huge Basketball Survery by tighcruz87
whO iS yOuR faV. NBA pLaYer?: Ray Allen
wHo iS yoUr fAv. WNBA pLaYeR?: Lisa Leslie
wHo iS YouR faV. mAle CoLLeGe BasKetBall pLaYeR?: Rashaud McCants
whO is yOur faV. fEmaLe CollEge BasKetbaLL plAyeR?: ???
whO is yoUr faV. mAle HigH sChOOL bAsKeTbaLL plAyeR?: Lebron James
WHo is YoUr faV. fEmaLe HiGh sChOOL baSkeTbaLL plAyeR?: ???
wHaT aRe YouR faV. tEaM cOlOrs?: Carolina Blue and White
wHaT shOes dO yOu RocK fOr BasKeTbaLL gaMes?: Black or White Forces Mainly
wHat sOng maKes u hYpe dUrIng BasKetbaLL gaMes?: Just put on somethin hype and i'm good
dO u thInK prAtiCes arE neCeSSary??: yes
gaToraDe oR poWeraDe: Gatorade
LebRoN oR CarMeLo: Lebron
wAde oR IveRsOn: Wade
eAsT oR WesT: East
BeN oR sHaQ: Shaq Diesel
GaRneTT oR DunCaN: Garnett
Pat RiLey Or LaRRy BrOwN: Larry Brown
ChaRleS BaRklEy Or PaTrIcK EwInG: Charles Barkley
MaGiC JohNsOn oR LaRrY BirD: Magic Johnson
IvErsOn's oR jOrDaN's: J's
DuKe oR NorTh CaRoLinA: UNC til death
tRaCy Or KoBe: T-Mac
Old sChoOL oR NeW sChOOL: New School
Dr. j oR M.j.: Jordan
hEaDbaNd oR nO hEAdbaNd: No Headband
lOnG sOcKs oR sHorT sOckS: Short
LsU Or TeXaS: ..........LSU i guess
LaKeRs oR cLiPPeRs: Lakers
DaLLaS or sAn AntOnIO: Dallas
cLevELaNd oR DenVer: Cleveland
J.J. RedIcK oR AdAm MoRRisOn: J.J. Redick, white boy got a shot
MiaMi oR HoUsTon: Miami
UCoNN oR fLoRidA: ......Florida if i had to choose
wILt ChamBerlaiN oR KaRReM AbduL-JaBBer: Wilt Chamberlain
DetrOit oR NeW JerSey: New Jersey
KanSas Or kEntUcKy: ........Kansas, i dunno
NacHos oR ChiLLi FriTos: Chilli Fritos
AcC Or BiG eaSt: ACC
LeSiLe oR SwOopEs: Leslie
sEC Or BiG 12: ......Big 12 i guess
wHats uR faV. nUmBer?: 15
wHats uR bAskeTbaLL niCknaMe?: 3 Ball
wHat NBA teAm oR WNBA teAm wHo U waNt tO bE oN?: Seattle Sonics
wHaT cOlleGe dO u wAnt tO plAy fOr?: UNC Chapel Hill
dO u gEt sHoeS thAt maTcHEs yOur uNifoRm?: yeah, i stay matchin
HoW lOnG hAve U beEn plAyinG baSkeTbaLL?: since i could grab a lil ball, when i was in diapers
CaN u DunK?: kinda but not consistently
CaN u sHooT?: you already know
CaN u DriBBle?: i can get around, but i can't really break ankles
cAn U rEbouNd?: yeah, i got hops like that
wHo iS yOur InSpiRatIon?: to improve myself, and keep myself out of trouble
WhAt plaYer aRe U mOsT liKe?: Ray Allen
hOw maNy sTate ChAmPiOnsHips dO u haVe?: i got one
wHicH oLd sChOoL plaYer dO u plaY liKe?: ...i don't know never been compared to an old school player
DoeS uR teAm sUck?: no, when we fareal play we is kinda ill
wHo dO u tHinK is thE grEateSt pLayEr tHat eVer plaYed in tHe NBA?: Michael Jordan
WhO dO u tHinK jumPs tHe hiGheSt iN tHe NBA?: Vince Carter
haVe u evEr beEn iNjUred?: Yeah
ArE U a GuaRd, fOrwaRd, oR CenTer?: Both Guards and Small Forward
dO u LoVe bAskEtbaLL?: Yeah, its my love that will never change
SuE BiRd or TaMikA CaTchIngs: ....Sue Bird
PicK anD rOll or GiVe aNd gO: Pick and Roll
dUnK oR lAyUp: Dunk if you can, Layup if you can'e
pAss oR sHooT: Pass if someones open, shoot if your open
NorTh caRoliNa or NorTh CaRoliNA sTaTE: North Carolina til death
cHriS PaUl oR sTevE NaSh: Chris Paul
tInY oR ZeKe: ....Zeke
bAroN dAvIs oR cHauNcEy biLLuPs: Baron Davis
oRlaNdO Or HouSton: Houston
ViNcE cArter oR pAuL PieRcE: Vince Carter
sOnicS oR BuCks: Sonics
cOOkies Or mILk: Cookies
tRicKy Or sMOothe: Tricky
fIngErOLL Or SlAm JaM: Slam Jam
mId-rAnGe Or BeYoNd tHe ArC: Beyond the Arc
M.j. Or LeBrOn: wow this is hard.....uhhhh but i gotta give it to Jordan
eLtOn bRaNd Or AmaRe sToUdAmIrE: Amare Stoudamire
iVeRsOn oR nAsH: Iverson
AnD 1 Or OLd sChOoL: And 1
SeiMonE AgUsTus or AlaNa BeArD: Seimone Agustus
MaRyLanD Or BaYlOr: ........Maryland if i had to choose
OfF tHe GlaSS oR aLL nEt: All Net
sHawN mAriOn oR TaYsHaUn pRinCe: Tayshaun Prince
BeN's fRo Or Dr.J's fRo: Dr. J's, it was more of a dome
dUnK cOntEsT oR tHree-pOiNt cOntEst: BOTH, but uhhhhh....nope i'm keepin it both
pOweRadE Or waTer: Water
geOrgE MikeN oR yAo MinG: Yao Ming
HaRleM GlObeTrOtteRs or OaK HiLL AcaDeMy higH sChOoL: Oak Hill Academy High School
UcLa or GeOrGia: Georgia
WiLkiNs oR cArTer: Carter
wHo is YouR fAv. mAle StrEEt bAll plAyeR?: Spyda
wHo iS yOur FaV. fEmaLe StrEEtbAll pLayEr?: ???
wHat iS yOur fAv. cOlleGe tEam?: UNC Chapel Hill
wHat iS yOur fAV. NBA tEam?: i like individual players, but if i said the team i pick in video games it would be the Sonics
wHaT iS YouR faV. WNBA teAm?: ???
wHo iS thE bEsT pOinT gUarD EVER!?: Magic Johnson
wHo iS thE bEsT sHooTiNg gUarD EVER!?: Michael Jordan
wHo iS thE bEsT sMaLL fOrwARd EVER!?: Vince Carter or Lebron James
wHo iS thE bEsT pOwEr fOrwArd EVER!?: Kevin Garnett
wHo iS thE bEsT cEntEr EVER!?: Shaq Diesel
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Be who you are and say what you feel, because those WHO MATTER DON'T MIND and THOSE WHO MIND DON'T MATTER

My Blog

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