Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
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Insanity Test
Your problem is Generally Psychotic behaviour
Will you ever be cured? (8) - As I see it, yes. - (8)
Just how crazy are you? - 69%
This cool quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 833625 Times.
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What Napoleon Dynamite Phrase Are You?
Pick One
Your Phrase Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner
Napoleonness - 71%
Will You Ever Be As Cool As Napoleon?? (8) - As I see it, yes. - (8)
This quiz by pimpinit772 - Taken 490940 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
Your Regina!! your the leader!! Everyone at school
loves you!! your a slut but ppl still love u
!!! everyone wants to b u !! even though your
bitch but u dont care!!! you make the rules and
everyone follows. and you the color pink!!
which one of the girls from Mean Girls r u ??? girls only (duh)! with pics!!!
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Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty