Add to My Profile | More VideosA.K.A The shatpank kidd, DaveZilla, Rass Malloy, El Bastardo Grande, Big Dave Vader, Skippy McSkippington the 3rd, The Shit, Baloo, Kelly mcQueen, Prisoner number: Dn38416, Baron Carlos Von Ramme Sexxx... Lord Shatpank the 1st of Stratford, The Right Hon. Bishop Flakey McPastry,Brasseye drugs
Add to My Profile | More Videos25 Years old and still unable to tie my own shoelaces without having a tantrum.I once touched a rhino in an inappropriate way. I have an unhealthy obsession with Myself. I have been told many times no good can come of it but they do say love is blind, and love also has severe arthrits in his Right hand. I was also the mastermind behind The Great Trout Molestation of "98, and i can't say catflap without laughing in a viciously disturbing manner. I recently moved to Stratford Upon Avon in a cunning attempt to avoid paying off my Library Fines. It's working a bit too well... My Absolutely Beeeeeeeuuuutiful Girlfriend Leah (is that good enough darli.. No, not the rubber tube again!!!Please no...), 2 year old partner in crime, and mental superior, Kai,And the newun Halen (or Gobby, as he is known to the neighbours), are welcome distractions from my plans of Deflowering the world, one ugly Man Hating 52 year old Virgin at a time. Ugly man hating Virgins need love too, but they must pay... I amm also playing very, very Badly in the "Rather Good" BullHorn, But they just Don't care as long as theres enough people around to carry the amps. P.s I do not want to be your friend if: A, You Listen to that " My girlfriend just dumped me, i'm gonna slit my wrists" Emo wank. For a start, Calling a style of music Emo is pointless, ALL Music evokes emotion, and you deserve to be dumped for being a whiny little pissant with shit hair and stupidly tight trousers. B, You Thought that "The Da Vinci Code" was a really good read, and that Dan Brown is some sort of all Knowing religious Iconoclast. I ain't too enthralled with the whole Vengefull Creator side of things, but That Fuckwit has taken a fair few liberties with some seriously beautiful works of art, and made a seriously ill informed stereotype of Paganism. Plus he cannot write to save his life. C, You are one of those whiny little Bastards who get excited Way Too Easily when meeting your friends.
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Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 66%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 66%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Dependent |||||||||| 38%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
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