Soccer, French, German, Music, my friends, my family, work, rain, hail, lightning, and running.
ISCINTILLA, Mindless Self Indulgence, OOMPH!, Wednesday 13, Jam Samich, RyanB, TRIXIE, PERSEPHONE, Seven Stitches, L'ame Imortelle, Die arzte, Bipolar, My Own I, Eric Stauss, Air, m*sixteen, Weeping Willow, Killjoy, Zemia, The Zak Perry Band, OXYGENE, CUPOFTY, acidSpike, POCK, Z.A.S.K., Needles, HOGWASH, strike back, Madlife!, deep metal mechanic, The Marxmallows, FAST FOR DECAY, ONE STEP OUT, Downtime, Jonah Burstein, Indecent Media, The Perfect Victim, XEO3, Funeral for a Friend, Syx, Mangna-Fi, Fickle, Crimson Tears, Halifax, Edgewater, Glyphic, Rescue Me, Roads Till Redemption, Time Again, ELYZIUM, Bless the Fall, DJ Rapid, Fallen, Nightwish, BURST ONE'S SIDE, False Friend, The Witch, Resolve to Burn, M!SS CRAZY, Radio Revolution, X Engine X, The Hush, Estieve, Jim Weider's ProJECT PERCoLAToR, THE ACCIDENT EXPERIMENT, Delain, A BIT OF BRAINDEAD, They Murder Miracles, Vodoo Booking, Sum 41, The Big Hurt, FEROX, Oscar Nip, Lust, Jeff Thaxton, Midnight Hour, Ruby Bullet, Rites of Ash, Mangled Capenter, Laurent Beaumont, MAUSS, Panacea, Linkin Park, Holy Sinner, PILARSKY, Hoobastank, Opus Dai, MSD, Of Angels, MOKSHA, Jet, Elam McKnight, She Craves, Masterplan69, Wicked Minds, issues., Pillar, Sean Sinclair, Nine Years Under, New Season, The rub, Flying Pooh, Latefallen, 32 Leaves, DUST, Against the Ropes, Postal Service, Failsafe, Wither, Three Days Grace, Borderline, Weird Al, Firebrands, John Nathaniel, 3 Doors Down, Minutes too far, Trapt, The Gravity Guild, Nirvana, Zachary Cooper, Mxpx, Coldfusion, Jacob Ide, Pete Stewart, The Leeds, Audioslave, DISCANTO, betterLUCK, DEADSY, Christopher Robin Band, Kyo, Staind, KERATOMA, Greenday, Dust, Story of the Year, Firemass, Pax 217, RPM, American Minor, Interpol, Straylight Run, Terminal, VooDoo Blue, The Radionics, KeyDragon, Distorsis, Rhenium, UP SyNDROME, Vapor, 10 Years, Nural, STALINS WAR, Oregon Falls, Darlington, The Box Social, Nightwish, Shorn, Tsunami Bomb, Augustana, Dive, Social Code, STARLIT, Finch, The Juliana Theory, MorningsideDrive, After the Crash, Roundabout, Seventh Standard, Thousand Foot Crutch, It is Well, Glascow, Rye, Rain42, Art of Dying, Lifelyxir, Xianosys, Siva, Crimson Circle, Calling of Syrens, Twage, Deep Purple, Evil Threads, Deeyah, Via Luna, Rush, Advent, Waiting for june, Led Zepplin, Atypical People, ANGTORIA, HNZN, THE SEPARATION TREE, DILANA, Windsor Drive, Creed, Stars of Track and Field, Godsmack, Madelyn, Collective Soul, J.S.H., Of Angels, MOKSHA, Fireborne, The W's, Jimi Hendrix, Shannon Curfman, Maroon 5, Jack Left Town, Porter Batiste Stoltz, Over the Stars, My Homerun records, Cold, Christopher Robin Band, The Beatles, Crew, EVERSINCEVE, The Trademark, L.A.O., Furthest from the Star, Starless Nights, The Birthday Massacre, A Change of Pace, At Most Fear, Story Told, Auditioning Alice, Catfish Haven, DOWNinthefifth, A Dead Giveaway, Bright Eyes, Scarlet May, Anias, flight409, Formerly Safe On A Satellite, Otenki, Walk it Off, Mercury Bullet, Kill Miss Pretty, Lennon, Tombstone Diaries, In Winter, Hotel Europa, The Silence, Relenter, Glyphic, Jake Leg, Plumb, Gov't Mule, The Unknownn, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Tonight is Glory, Nickleback, Little Nightmare, Evanecsence, Disturbed, Glory Bound, Boni-Fate, Gretchen, Def Leppard, The Go-Sheilas, System of a Down, enuff z'nuff. 10 second drop, Sirius rising, Mankind Is Obsolete, This love machine, The interview, Curse Icon, Matchbook romance, Ben Forrest Davis, Hateful Monday, OF INFINITY, The F-Bombs, LUCID FLY, Adjacentlife, IOMA, 3 Faced, Ghost Orgy, Dj Psykosis, Embered, Kenny Wayne Shepard Band, Seether, Lovers Revolt, Sherwood, Venice, Paris Luna, Digital Summer, Steven Sites, Stackers, Casketnail, Achilles Fall, Drivin-N-Cryin, Controller, Through Shaded Hollows, Howard Brothers Band, My Chemical Romance, Like a Newspaper Headline, Abigail, The Northstar Session, mister Ã, American Radio, Silent Victory, d-roc, FEFF, SINTONIK, Zero Frequency, Spaz March, SwampdaWamp, Simple Plan, Jim Roberts, Orange, Ayin Aleph, Screaming Mechanical Brain, The Last Almanac, Minor Setback, The Affair Divine, Brane, Sturch, Cockpit, Blink-182, Shinedown, The Gene Generation, Eve 6, Creamy, Eric Clapton, Margot, Big V, Breaking Benjamin, La Fin du Monde, Midwest Kings, Splendor, Butterfly, Drowning Pool, New Season, Sturch, Mest, Ryan Templeton, Mudvayne, Silverchair, and much much more.