Otilia profile picture


Love is Suicide

About Me

I hardly ever visit this page anymore. Feel free to find me on facebook. I miss talking to a lot of you, but unfortunately I find it hard to be everywhere at once. I wish I was as ubiquitous as a photograph. I am thinking of you //Otilia

music. poetry. england.
snowflakes. tea. paint.
hearts. rain. love. blood.
misery coffe with loads of foam fragility. fear. curiosity. pain.
emotions. I try to fight for what I believe in.
Sometimes I feel the suffering in this world is too much for me to bear. I can feel it screaming in my head.
I want to change that but I'm so small and my voice is not loud enough. But I keep trying. I don't drink or smoke. I belive in getting high on life itself and what it has to offer. I'm also a vegetarian who believes that animals has a right to be treated with dignity. anything else...just ask...


My Interests

Love Music Writing Photography Art Reading Human Rights Enviromental issues Animal Rights

I'd like to meet:

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PLACEBO!!! NIN AFI Emilie Autumn Bradley Hathaway Bif Naked Silverchair the Cure Ed Harcourt Howling Bells Smashing Pumpkins the Tiny Depeche Mode Muse Radiohead Patrick Wolf Magnolia Sage Wendy McNeill Anna Ternheim Antony and the Johnsons K's Choice Lars Winnerbäck Bright Eyes Marilyn Manson Emil Jensen Tori Amos


anykind that twists my heart around or movies with beautiful photography ex: Prozac Nation, American History X, Edward Scissorhands, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Corpse Bride, Constantine, the Omen (new one), NBC, Silent Hill, Queen of the Damned, A Beautiful Mind, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Pianist, the Machinist...


not someting i watch currently but shows i have seen and like are: Six Feet Under, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Grey's Anatomy, House, Ally McBeal, Bones, CSI, X files, Dark Angel


oscar wilde, bob hansson, Bradley Hathaway, elisabeth wurtzel, johanna nilsson, james frey, michael ende, Marya Hornbacher, Nils Ferlin, sofia åkerman


most of my friends and a lot of other people too

My Blog

uncertain certainty

I do not want this. I do not want. to make a choice.  What if five years prison would end if you just changed your mind about the future?  A simple but def...
Posted by Otilia on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:32:00 PST

Going somewhere?

Why does everything has to be about going forward? Is there a rule that one must move forward in life written somewhere or has everyone just asumed that going forward is the only way to go? Personally...
Posted by Otilia on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 09:37:00 PST