♥ LiFe iS jUsT sOoO wOrTH LiVin ♥ profile picture

♥ LiFe iS jUsT sOoO wOrTH LiVin ♥

one day ur gonna relize how much she means to u and when that day comes shes gonna be wakin up next

About Me

umm my name is LoReal iM rEaLLy DoWn tO eArth anD iN tOuch wItH mYseLf anD wHo i wAnnA bE SomEtImes i DoNt fEEl LiKe cOmbIng mY hAiR iN tHe mOrNingS i Had a Man i was wItH fOr aS lOng aS i CaN cArE tO rEmEmBeR wELl aCtuAlly oNly 3& a HalF yEaRs bUt iT sEEMed LikE muCh LoNgeR BeiNG WiTh hIm hAs tAuGht mE LessOnS tHat oNly LiFe cOuLd eXplAin SomE gOOd sOmE bAD!!! tHe GraSS iS nOt aLwaYs gReeNer oN tHe oTher sIdE aNd eVerYthiNg iS nOt aLwaYS wHaT tHeY aPPeaR 2 bE cUz soMetImes tHe pEoPle wHo yOu tHinK LoVe yOu wIll bE tHe oNes tO huRT yOu tHe moSt iM $iNgLe nOw wHiCh iS nEw tO mE cUhZ iT tAkEs aLoT oF gEttiNg uSeD tO bUt hEy iM aLwaYz oPeN tO nEw tHiNGz iTs fUn @ TiMeS bUt i LiKe bEiNg iN a ReLaTioNsHiP bEttEr..i HaVe aLoT oF iNtAkE oN LIfe iN gEnErAl mAybE cUz ivE bEEn tHrOuGh sOOOOOO muCh bUt i WoulDnt tAke aNythinG bAck fOr THe wOrLd wiThOut mIstAkes tHerEs nO gRoWth oR leArniNG sOme PeOplE wOuLd cAll mE qUiEt oR anTi-SoCiAl bUt iM rEaLLy NoT i JuSt hAvE a HarD tiME tAlkiN tO pEoPlE i DoNt kNoW iM kInDa RuDe SoMetImeS bUt nOt oN pUrPouSe i WaS nEvEr rEallY tAuGht mAnnErs sO i DoNt kNoW wHatS rUde FRoM wHaTs nOt uNlEss sOmeOnE tElls me iM nOT jUdGemEntAl aNd i HaTe pEopLe wHo aRE !!!There comes a point in ur life when u realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. So don't worry about people from ur past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to ur future The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, redlights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success.

My Interests

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

I'd like to meet:

I aLrEaDy Got ThE 4 BeSt fRiEnDs A GiRl cAn HaVe i CoUlDnT MeeT aNyOnE bEttEr tHeSe 4 giRlS HaVe mY uNcOnDiTiOnAl LoVe NiGGaS aNd nEw fRiEnDs mAy cOMe aNd gO bUt tHeSe BiTChEs aRe sO mUcH mOrE tHaN wOrDs cAn eVeR eXpReSS aNd i GenUiNeLy HaVe a LoVe fOr tHeM tHaT cAn NeVeR bE RepLaCeD eVeN WhEn ThEy gEt oN mY LasT NeRveS!!


Rest in Peace Robert ...Damn i miss u big head!!


My Blog


"Resentment"I wish I could believe you then I'll be alrightBut now everything you told me really don't applyTo the way I feel insideLoving you was easy once upon a timeBut now my suspicions of you hav...
Posted by ♥ LiFe iS jUsT sOoO wOrTH LiVin ♥ on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:54:00 PST