b!nx profile picture


About Me

I'm b!nx; I'm probably not as cool as you.
I've got nothing super to impress you all with
I can't fly, I can't animorph and I can't disable
a bomb in under 60 seconds.
I live on tea and hot chocolate
More people hate me than like me
But the ones that like me are just perfect.
"Along the way you bump into people who make a dent on
your life. Some people get struck by lightning.
Some are born to sit by a river.
Some have an ear for music. Some are artists.
Some swim the English Channel. Some know buttons.
Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers.
And some people can dance."

Buses and trains amuse me just like hills and how
the top of buildings in town are so different from
the bottom of them.
People who say music isn't their life are liars.
Everything in life has it's own soundtrack.
It's an odd occasion to look at something and not
think of a song that reminds you on it.
Same goes for everything else in life.
I leave everything to the last minute, and I'm
never sorted. :)
I have about 30 different moods a day, and an equal
30 different personas.
One minute everything around me seems amazing
I'll wonder how it got there, who thought of it
why it's named what it is and how long it has been and
will be there!
The next minute I couldn't give a shite and just want
to go home and curl up with a hot chocolate and watch
a film!
I like reading a while lot, and constantly have
earphones plugged in my ears.

Programmes like Criminal Minds and Law & Order
are my type of things.
Dancing on ice and the sort just don't do it for me.
I like watching silly films and I like watching serious

I could go on and on, and bore you all with
my pointless about me, but I think I'll
keep it to a minimum..yes this is minimum.
I like to type properly. I don't have time for
"omgz lolz so wut u up 2 dis w/e den?"
get a fricken dictionary!
I like to smile, and I love things that make me smile
I'm not Irish, so please don't ask me if I am.
I'm from Northern Ireland! :)
I care about what people think of me but it
never makes a difference anyway :/
"we're meant to lose the people we love.
How else would we know how important they are to us?"

The first thing I notice about someone is their
hair then eyes then clothes then smile
so impress me with all them, and you'll have
me wrapped around your little finger. :)
"Everything is free. That's a secret. The only thing
that isn't free is you.
I sometimes wonder how this planet keeps on sticking
to my feet. They did everything to pin me down.
It's mind control, see. You have to go to school, get
those exams, get to university or college, get a job,
get married, don't miss the boat, do it now or you'll
shoot your life down the drain. They got you as soon
as you were born. You can be anything you want to be.
It's a big secret. You're magic! You're terrific!
You're anything you wanna be! Believe it!
Remember when you were little & they used to say
"Naughty girl, naughty boy," because you broke
something or said the wrong thing? They told you,
"You are a bad person." but it wasn't like
that, it was just you were doing a bad thing. It wasn't
you who was bad. You're beautiful. You're wonderful &
everything you do is wonderful because it's you doing it.
You're that strong. It doesn't do anything to you.
You're still you.
You can be anything you want to be. Be careful. It's a
spell. It's magic. Listen to the words. You can be anything,
you can do anything, you can be anything, you can do
anything. Listen to the magic."

My Blog

You were all I had...lovee youu.

Hmm. Exams really set things out for you. :/ Ever feel like your life is on fast forward..but you are the only thing going at normal pace, while everyone and everything else RUSHES past you? I'm ...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:13:00 GMT


I don’t know how to start this blog really... it’s just thoughts I think need to be layed out, and well thats what blogs are for.  I’m sitting here tonight, like I have done mos...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 13:42:00 GMT

Jessica throws chocolate down her top.

It’s oul St Patricks day, and us being native irish, we stay in Jessicas house and do art.HXC BBBBBBBBBEEZZZZZZZZZZSo far today, we have came to the conclusion that Jessica has some mental probl...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:41:00 GMT

Subject = Nothing.

We are 3 months into '08, and already we're at a stage of "oh my fuck. shoot me now."  It's pretty bad...but in 3 months it will be over for a little while longer I guess.  Big GCSE year now...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 13:20:00 GMT

New Year, New Blog. :)

Aha, 2008 finally. :)13 days in and it feels no different :/  Everyone makes a big deal "I'm going to make this year count, make a real effort.."But no one actually gives a crap! :OI would like t...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:24:00 GMT

Good Old Rant! eugh!

Right. I am in need of a rant. My mood has got so bad like unbelievablysince I came on this damn thing.You know what I really hate?When people are all "omg yer pure gorgeous" and when you look in...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:11:00 GMT

Jessica Come Home With Me Tonight.

Of course, the subject is for good old Ka. Special girl she is. AhemI haven't posted a blog since last week - even though I said I would on Friday.Yer I suck :/Well, anyway. My school week has been in...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:22:00 GMT

School So Far!

Ok, So I know I said I would at least wait 'til the end of the weekbefore I blogged.. But I had an urge today.And right now I can't remember why. Well, apparently Myspace is working on the school netw...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:00:00 GMT

Architects Of Disco.

..> OkSo last day of summerand I have exactly 5 hours and 45 minutes before school term begins.Dreading it or WHAT!This weekend was proper amaze.We went to Banbridge. It's really nice down the...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:57:00 GMT

Oh My...

..> How come every time I listento a nice song..or read a quote..or see an icon..your name just pops into my head?Why is it..when my phone beeps with a messagemy heart jumps..hoping it was you..Wh...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:39:00 GMT