Hot rods, guitars, guns, motorcycles, punk, drinkin', and other shit.
I don't know, I haven't met them yet. Otherwise, old friends from when I was young (and not so ugly).
Punk, classic country, ol' school rock, oldies, irish pub songs, and drinkin' while listening to them.... YEAH!
Horror, B movies, porn, kung fu, action movies, and drinkin' while I'm watchin' them.... YEAH!
AFV, Max X, Girls gone wild previews, football, the news. I don't have cable, so TV sucks even while I'm drinkin'.
Car manuals, car magazines, car parts catalogs, music catalogs, Shotgun News, the Horse... are you getting the idea here?
Lady Death, Evil Ernie, Spiderman, Wolverine, Conan the Barbarian, Forrest Gump and Bubba, and Thor's pretty cool too.