New album.The Holy Curse"Feed the dogs"out dec.07
Stephane. Je suis intermittent du spectacle, mais rock'n'roll permanent. Entre deux jobs, je suis backliner pour Jostone Traffic, entre autres, mais essentiellement je suis le boss de Turborock!
Stephane. part time worker in show business, but full-time rock'n'roller. At times, I work as a backliner (for Jostone Traffic, among others), but I am the boss here, at Turborock!
Vous pouvez commander à cette adresse / Order at this address:
Lemazier Stephane / Turborock
6 rue Maurice Dutacq
14000 Caen France
LP Weak "Back from the gooch" (turborock) 10€
CD Thee Vibrafingers "They Vibrate !!!" (Turborock) 10€
Split 7" The Holy Curse / Johnny Casino's Easy Action (turborock) 5€
7" The Bellrays "Les Cornichons" (turborock) 5€
I also sell records by : thhe Accidents, the Avatars, Billy Bullock and the Broken Teeth, Born in Flames, the Craftmen Club, the Deltabonds, the Dirtshakes, the Fevers, the Fingertips, Gasolheads, Ghetto Ways, the Gee Strings, Intercontinental Playboys, Skip Jensen, the Kidnappers, Live Fast Die, the Locomtions, Mike Edison, the Masterplan, the Mojomatics, Murder by Guitars, Neurotic Swingers, Oddball's Band, the Outside, Puffball, Radio Reelers, the Real Losers, Slow Slushy Boys, Soup Toxic, Turpentine Brothers, TV Killers, Wangs, You am I on my website : see "shop" page.