Tiff Time
Today is a new day with a new outolook on life. As the years pass, the there just doesn't seem to be enough time in a day, week, month, year --> lifetime. I try to make the most out of what I do even if I am not enjoying it because what's the point of being glum when there is so little time to enjoy the relms of this world. I love hot baths filled with oils or bubbles. I don't mind bubbles in a glass either. My family is important to me and I am very close to my grandmother and my mother. I live for the moment and am always the one to state the obvious or to say what everyone else is thinking. I get along better with boys for some reason that girls. I prefer to sit with friends at my house and do nothing all day than go out at night, I think the most memorable times I've had with friends have been experienced at someones house where there are no need for dressing up or down, just whatever goes. Memories are the best thing in life and I'm trying to get as many as I can even though I can't take them with me, someone left here will have them to share with their family and friends. I am 22, I live in Brisbane, I'm a cancarian which means I'm homely and I agree with this.LG --> LIFE'S GOOD
I miss all my friends from home but know they are only a phone call away, I hope they know this too.
I have a great group of friends that I hope will remain forever, and love hanging out with them, even if it's just bumming.
I'm ready for whatever life throws my way now so BRING IT ON.
PS. If you know, me....when are you coming to visit?**Life Is But A Message Board, That Draws On These Messages To Make Stories/Memories. These Stories Are What Lives On Forever.**