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Eva Silva Travers

If you are a dreamer, come in..........Shel Silverstein

About Me

Life is good. I'm from San Diego but have lived in Studio City for about 3 years now. I'm a writer and I love what I do.
I both write for and manage the Creative Department for Writers of the Round Table Inc, a full spectrum writing services and author management company. Check out what we do at www.writersoftheroundtable.com. I host weekly teleclasses where I interview some of the best and brightest writers working today in every genre you can imagine. If you'd like to be one of our featured guests or one of our participants, drop me an email here: eva@writersoftheroundtable.com You can check out podcast links for previous teleclasses, too.
Check it out! I'm in the process of co-writing a narrative non-fiction book with Bea Fields and Corey Blake. It's entitled Edge: A Leadership Story. Here's the link: http://www.myspace.com/edgebook Or here is a link to the actual website: http://www.edge-book.com/index.html
I'm always at work on several projects and plugging away at my own stuff, too. I'm a mother of two beautiful sons who blow my mind on a daily basis. I also act and model and have for almost 30 years.
I love my life...and I love that guy who's in my number one friend spot...I'm married to Joe Travers, happily, awesomely, beautifully, always.
My ideals...create life well and take responsibility for it....ALL of it, not just the parts that feel convenient or make you look good. Avoid drama. Pick your battles and choose wisely. I do my best to live my life by those ideas. So far so good, I guess. Like I said to all of my friends at my 40th birthday party, if I had known at 30 that life would be this good at 40, I woulda' been much more relaxed along the way!...but then again, I suppose it's all of that "along the way" stuff that made me who and what I am today, huh?

My Interests

The sound of my sons' laughter; it means that--at least momentarily--all is well in the world as I know it. Doing anything with my man....Live music, especially when he is on drums. Writing, humor, yoga, hiking, red wine, good food with good people. Vintage clothing, jewelry, books and B-movies. Collecting Salvador Dali prints.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who believes we're here to shed some light into the world...and believes wholeheartedly in their power to do so. Writers, musicians, actors, and other artists, in general. Literary agents, publishers, and children's book illustrators.


Hmmm...where to begin? My husband is a drummer, archivist, producer. My sons dabble in drums and guitar. Yep, I love music. The soundtrack of my life changes constantly. Some of my best childhood memories revolve around listening to music with my Dad.


John Waters films. A River Runs Through It. Cool Hand Luke. Hmmm...many more.


Yes, please! And lots of them. Dude, I'm a writer!


First and foremost, my kids...we're on this amazing journey together.
Second, my husband, for the focus and intention he uses to create a wonderful life.
Third, my dad. He always read to me. I was maybe 7ish when we tackled Rachel Carson's "Under the Sea Wind." When I asked him where the pictures were, he tapped my forehead and said, "Right there. You make them yourself." That was one of the most empowering moments of my life and it probably ushered me into writer-land, where I reside happily to this day.
Last but not least, whoever it was that invented those Circus Animal Cookies with the sprinkles (fucking yummy!...I once ate a whole bag by myself in one sitting) and...whoever created seamed stockings (genius!). Oh, and chocolate. Not whoever invented chocolate...just chocolate, as an entity unto its own blessed and awe-inspiring self.

My Blog

World's Greatest Drummer...

Someone sent this link to Joe.  It's he and Terry Bozzio playing during one of the Zappa Plays Zappa gigs in 2006.  Joe is on the left...Terry on the right.  Check it out!http://youtube...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST

What first drove your creative spirit?

Here is a question I posed to my writers' group.  Maybe it will be of interest to some of you, as well, so I'm posting it here, too.  *********************Since I was a very young child, I'...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:54:00 PST

Consider me inspired...

I'm part of an online writers' group that's part of the writing services company that I work for.  Recently, the owner of the company posted a question asking what book we'd read that changed our...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:35:00 PST

Zappa Plays Zappa

Wow.  Can I just say "Wow!"?  I just got to see the last three shows, and I'm still taking it all in.  I'm actually in a bit of a rush and will add a hell of a lot more later, but for n...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:41:00 PST

Where'd the time go?

It's pretty late, and I'm sitting here sipping on a glass of wine, answering emails and stuff, and thinking over the last week.  More specifically...my sons and the last week.  David, my you...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:55:00 PST

Fishing with Dad

    About a month ago I got a call on my cell phone.  It came from my Dad's area code, but I didn't recognize the number.  It was the hospital.  I interrupted the caller ...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:19:00 PST

My Son's Birthday...

    So, as I sit here, the moment of my older son's actual birthdate is just about 2 1/2 hours away.  That is, he was born nearly 13 years ago at 2am.  Someone asked me the ot...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:29:00 PST

Things Overheard....

A list to which I will continue to add...  So, exercise has its benefits, to be sure.  Mental health, physical health, spiritual health....blah, blah, blah...  We all know about that cr...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:35:00 PST

Old Poem

So, I was going through stuff from college, old papers and poetry chapbooks, etc.  I found this poem and thought I'd share it with y'all.  I recall at that time consistently using references...
Posted by Eva Silva Travers on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 04:06:00 PST