My interests are self, but not in the structure of egotistical manners; however, more so in the realms of self-improvement to enhance the position of myself for the assistance to others. I'm an author, songwriter, promoter, poet, lover, sinner, fighter, friend, foe, business man, but most important a son of GOD. Music is my number one interest, I am in love with writing mainly though.
Honestly I would like to meet my creator my true father- GOD. I hope to live a life that will help me reach salvation and someday meet the man who blessed my life with his love, and who unselfishly and in a complete caring way gave his only son to die for my sins. Thank you Lord.
I Thessalonians 5:23: "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
God intends for His body to be made whole. His people, being those individual members of His body, need His wholeness to be able to perform the tasks commissioned to them as the church. One recent move of the Holy Spirit has been the restoration of the gifts of the Spirit to the church bringing deliverance and healing. Since Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or blemish, a glorious church, we can look for her to be cleansed and healed before that moment. This healing involves the total man: spirit, soul and body. "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:26-27).
The Hebrew word for heal is rapha, which means to make thoroughly whole. The Greek word "sozo" has the same connotation. It is used interchangeably throughout the Greek New Testament to mean to "save" and to "heal". We need to be free of "...the sin which doth so easily beset us..." (Hebrews 12:1), the sickness in our bodies, the fears of the soul, and all that keeps us from being the overcoming sons of God. This is what the Bible calls sanctification; the process of cleansing that needs to take place within our spirits, our souls, and our bodies.
Soul/Street R&B/Pop: I am a musical composer/writer/producer/ marketing executive. I am a piano player who has been influenced in the R&B aspects of lyrical writing. Influences are credited to artists such as Musiq Soulchild, D' Angelo, Bilal, Stevie Wonder, Donell Jones, Brian McKnight, Case, Anthony Hamilton, John Legend, Eric Bennet, and Smokey Robinson.
I'm down for the horror movies you got to love horror movies; it's what it's all about. When you watching a horror movie with your girl, nothing is better than her feeling your warm embrace, when she scared, getting close into your arms. Plus it can be a rush man, I am telling you. You ever seen that movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose? That is some scary ####. Plus horror movies have the most creativity within them. I am all about creativity. Ezekiel Lewis, writer of the song "Happily Ever After" by Case once said without inspiration, there is no creativity. Horror movies are pure creativity and influence, you ever seen the Movies Saw One & Two? Damn, the writer of that; Pure Genius.
House M.D., Sports Center, Home & Garden Network ( Biggest Aspiration {Large House} ), Discovery Channel (Criminal Profiling), National Geographic (Expeditions, Cultural Explorations, Crimonology), CSI: Miami/New York, On-Demand (Sports, Cardio, Aerobics/ Fitness Health).
Preference: I like reading books on philosophy, and books that are very enlightening. Most importantly let's not forget however the book of most importance the BIBLE.
Jesus Christ, and My Mother .