Some of My interests are:
Major League Baseball games, rock concerts, learning spanish, old school video games, biological anthropology, politics, kung fu, coffee, listening to Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite
Name: Brian D. Roth
Birthday: Dec 29, 1977
Birthplace: Englewood Cliffs NJ
Current Location: Emerson NJ
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown (almost black)
Height: 6'2"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Irish/Spanish
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black Boots
Your Weakness: Obligation
Your Fears: Being Average
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheese Pie from Giovanni's, Dumont NJ
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Go to a Yankees play-off game
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "lol" (my friends are hilarious)
Thoughts First Waking Up: I need a glass of water
Your Best Physical Feature: My jaw
Your Bedtime: Very, very late
Your Most Missed Memory: Breakfast with my Grandfather
Pepsi or Coke: Coke (cherry)
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King (McDonalds has better fries)
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tea is for Women and British people
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee, a lot of Coffee
Do you Smoke: Absolutely not, I know we're all going to die but I refuse to pay for it!
Do you Swear: I was a sailor... But I know how to act
Do you Sing: No but Lemmy does
Do you Shower Daily: 6 times a day with the curtain open
Have you Been in Love: Of course
Do you want to go to College: I'm never leaving
Do you want to get Married: Yes, just not now
Do you belive in yourself: Yes, with good reason.
Do you get Motion Sickness: No!... Sailor remember?
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes
Are you a Health Freak: I'm healthy as a horse
Do you get along with your Parents: Enough to be entertained by their insanity
Do you like Thunderstorms: sure, but I hate rain delays
Do you play an Instrument: Not since grammar school
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I havent had a drink since Jan 21, 2000
In the past month have you Smoked: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No, Oreos are for children
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Not since I lived in Japan. Do you trust the FDA?
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I hung up my fins after my days as a frog
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: The spotlight
Ever been Drunk: For a week? yes.
Ever been called a Tease: Yes
Ever been Beaten up: Iv'e taken a beating, on a daily basis (on the mat) from the heavyweight Kung Fu fighting champion of the world: Matt Jacobs. He is the only man I would never want to fight, and the best teacher I have ever met. ( Sifu, my training will resume...)
Ever Shoplifted: No
How do you want to Die: Like a man
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Extra ordinary
What country would you most like to Visit: Spain
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Green
Favourite Hair Color: Red
Short or Long Hair: Long
Height: Any
Weight: As long as they look good
Best Clothing Style: Leather
Number of Drugs I have taken: Prescription or non-prescription?
Number of CDs I own: 500+
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: None
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Having mercy on people who did not deserve it
This is what happens when you give inbred white trash millions of dollars!
This is George Carlin Commenting on Religion. This is exactly how I feel. Pause the music player and press play on this clip. You may be surprised how much sense he makes!
Richard Dawkins, My father (to punch him in his fucking mouth), Bill Clinton, Natalie Portman, George Clooney, The Dixie Chicks (to thank them, just don't make me listen to that music), Bono, Michael Moore, Eddie Van Halen, Margaret Atwood, Lemmy Kilmister, Hideki Matsui, Bruce Springsteen, Henry Rollins, Gwen Stefani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Howard Stern, George Carlin, Shakira, Kevin Smith, J.D. Salinger, Trent Reznor, James Hetfield, Kevin Mitnick, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Leo Laporte, Stacy Keibler
Motorhead, The Ramones. The Rolling Stones, Thin Lizzy, Bruce Springsteen, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, HIM, Black Flag, Henry Rollins, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Killswitch Engage, CKY, No Doubt, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System Of A Down, Guns N' Roses, Van Halen, Sleater-Kinney, Kill Cheerleader
Pulp Fiction, Clerks, Taxi Driver, American Beauty, Rushmore, Old School, Enter the Dragon, Walking Tall, Raging Bull, Unforgiven, Gladiator, Sin City, Bowling for Columbine, Better Off Dead, Wedding Crashers, Office Space, Evil Dead, Snatch
The Henry Rollins Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, Baseball Tonight, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,
The God Delusion, The Catcher in the Rye, The Stranger, Black Coffee Blues, Animal Farm, A Handmaids Tale, The Lord of the Flies, Neuromancer, Lolita, To Kill a Mockingbird, Collected Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Collected Works of Franz Kafka, The Watchmen
"When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die": Servicemen are my heroes!
Brian is Black Coffee
At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable
Your boiling point is: Very High
You love coffee the way you would love a woman
Your caffeine addiction level: coffee runs through your veins a href=