The Get It Ons profile picture

The Get It Ons

riff raff rock

About Me

Four mutha don't give a fucka's fronted by Goldwin Massiecre, and Izzie Awfull, along with Gord The Screamin Lord on bass, And Al Kayda on drums. These four hot cock mofo's are puttin out power chordin finger splitten rawk n rowl and are comin to burn the pants off every little girl in there way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deadlife- Track of the day Aug 10 2007

My Interests


Member Since: 10/11/2004
Band Members: guitar and vox-Izzie Awfull, guitar and vox-Goldwin Massiecre, bass-Gordy Fuckin Faster, drums-Al Kayda
Influences: The twisted memories of last nights whiskey induced violence
Sounds Like: a wine hangover
Record Label: punchdrunkrecords
Type of Label: Indie