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About Me

Boomtime is the newest incarnation of Berlin's seminal avant-garde modern dance troupe: Bodies-In-Motion. Their journey began in West Berlin during the area's artistic heyday known as “Der Scheißeessen.” The three former Czech philosophy students leapt into the forefront of the modern dance movement with their first major public performance of "Scheißen Auf Der Berliner Mauer" or “Defecating On The Berlin Wall" an electrifying performance in which each of the dancers, in turn, defecated on the Berlin wall after having consumed nothing but red, white, and blue powder for a week prior. U.S. President Ronald Regan later credited the performance with the toppling of the wall. The group quickly became known as the most famous of the all male, anti-communist, defecation-based, Butoh-fusion, West Berlin, avant-garde, modern dance troupes and were invited to perform at such prestigious dance festivals as Moderndancedefecationfest and Telly Savalas' Dancey Time. After one performance, the famous German publication Der Weinershnitzel wrote, "Als glückliche Bestimmung gilt es mir heute, daß das Schicksal mir zum Geburtsort gerade Braunau am Inn zuwies. Liegt doch dieses Städtchen an der Grenze jener zwei deutschen Staaten, deren Wiedervereinigung mindestens uns Jüngeren als eine mit allen Mitteln durchzuführende Lebensaufgabe erscheint!" We think no description could be more apt. However, in recent years, realizing the ultimate futility and anachronistic nature of modern dance, they have changed their focus to sketch comedy and their name to Boomtime. And a boom time it will be. While inspired by the likes of such Bay Area stand-up comedy legends as Moshe Kasher, Alex Koll, and Brent Weinbach their performance is uniquely their own and incorporates much of the movement and the feces we have all come to love during the Bodies-In-Motion years. SF Sketchfest 2006 was their North American debut. .contactTable {width:300px!important; height:150px!important; padding:0px!important; background-image:url

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